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Bruce Yardley appointed Chief Geologist

Bruce Yardley (Leeds University) has been appointed Chief Geologist by The Radioactive Waste Management Directorate (RWMD) of the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA).

Chartership news

Chartership Officer Bill Gaskarth reports on a projected new logo for use by CGeols, advice on applications and company training schemes

Climate Change Statement Addendum

The Society has published an addendum to 'Climate Change: Evidence from the Geological Record' (November 2010) taking account of new research

Cracking up in Lincolnshire

Oliver Pritchard, Stephen Hallett, and Timothy Farewell consider the role of soil science in maintaining the British 'evolved road'

Critical metals

Kathryn Goodenough* on a Society-sponsored hunt for the rare metals that underpin new technologies

Déja vu all over again

As Nina Morgan Discovers, the debate over HS2 is nothing new...

Done proud

Ted Nield hails the new refurbished Council Room as evidence that the Society is growing up

Earth Science Week 2014

Fellows - renew, vote for Council, and volunteer for Earth Science Week 2014!  Also - who is honoured in the Society's Awards and Medals 2014.

Fookes celebrated

Peter Fookes (Imperial College, London) celebrated at Society event in honour of Engineering Group Working Parties and their reports

Geology - poor relation?

When are University Earth Science departments going to shed their outmoded obsession with maths, physics and chemistry?

Nancy Tupholme

Nancy Tupholme, Librarian of the Society and the Royal Society, has died, reports Wendy Cawthorne.

Power, splendour and high camp

Ted Nield reviews the refurbishment of the Council Room, Burlington House

The Sir Archibald Geikie Archive at Haslemere Educational Museum

You can help the Haslemere Educational Museum to identify subjects in Sir Archibald Geikie's amazing field notebook sketches, writes John Betterton.

Top bananas

Who are the top 100 UK practising scientists?  The Science Council knows...

February 2016


All gas and no gaiters

Ted Nield benoans the Government's decision to pull funding for CCS pilot schemes



Warm words are not enough

David Nowell* fears that official and media ignorance and hypocrisy over climate change are in danger of turning him into a curmudgeon…



Into the Volcano

Fabian Wadsworth and Hugh Tuffen climb into the active crater-source of volcanic glass for the first time, to understand how obsidian forms and flows.


Ground Truth

Gary Nichols makes the industry case for field-based training in oil and gas, and explains why it is integral to Chartered status


Online Special

Online Special - CCS: Opportunity Lost

In the wake of the UK Government's decision to pull the plug on CCS pilots, Professor Stuart Haszeldine discusses carbon capture, energy policy and atmosphere protection


Online Special - Smart Phones and the Geologist

Tom Power reviews the ways in which smart phones are revolutionising a geologist's life in the field.


Society News

Elections to Council 2016 to 2017

Stephanie Jones has instructions on how to vote in the upcoming elections, which begin online this year.  Full printed details will appear in the March issue.


CGeol in the Oil and Gas sector

Chartership is catching on in the oil and Gas sector, says Bill Gaskarth


Celebrating Hardstoft

Jonathan Craig hails the forthcoming conference to commemorate the first producing oil well on the British mainland.


Policy update

Since the general election, the team has continued to work on aspects of Government policy relevant to the geoscience community


Year of Water 2016

Après Mud, le déluge: After the glories of mud in 2015 we are ready for a whole year devoted to our new theme of Water, writes Flo Bullough.



Careers Day 2015

Dawne Riddle recouts the Society's successful Careers Days, held throughout the UK.


Glossop Evening 2015

Ted Nield attends the Glossop Evening ceremonies, 2015


Distant Thunder - Goody Bags

Geologist and science writer Nina Morgan wonders what to do with freebies


Books & Arts

Books and Arts

Four new book reviews by Simon Midgeley and Trevor Emmett



Leigh Weston 1981-2015

Associate Geologist with SLR Consulting whose tragically early death robbed his workmates of a kind, professional and passionate colleague.


Mike Golden 1947-2015

Exploration geologist, consultant and polymath who specialised in technical Russian translation services and retrieving vintage paper-era data.