Library Strategy 2017 - 2026

“The Geological Society Library is a research library which offers its Fellows the best of both worlds: rich historical and archive collections as well as the most up-to-date information resources in print and electronic formats.”
The Library Strategy has at its heart the necessity to evolve and adapt to a fast changing library and information environment and the research needs of its users.
With 85% of our Fellowship based in the regions and overseas, one of the Library’s key objectives is to deliver better electronic and remote services, whilst simultaneously working to develop, preserve and promote our collections and improve their content findability online. The Library Strategy provides the basis upon which this will be achieved.
Progress and achievements
- New union catalogue membership (Library Hub Discover)
- Loan to the House of European History
- Arts Council Designation application (phase 1, completed)
- Building on the Library audit
- Live chat ('Ask a Librarian') on the OPAC
- Monthly drop-in sessions
- First union catalogue membership (SUNCAT)
- First Loan Management Policy for external exhibitions
- Loan to the Charles Dickens Museum
- Building on the Library audit
- Systematic collection of Library statistics
- First programme of exhibitions
- Opening of the Burlington House Bookshop
- First Collection Development Policy
- Receipt of the Dan McKenzie Archive and development of project plan
- Off-site storage begins
- Creation of the Library Users Group
- Reduction of net operating costs
- Loan to English Heritage
See full details of our achievements and progress in the Library Strategy document.