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Your search for books in the Subject group Earth and Solar System History returned the following 1017 results.

Showing 21 to 30 of 1017 results

Introducing the Planets and their Moons

Product Code: MPPLM
Series: Miscellaneous titles
Author/Editor: By Peter Cattermole
Publication Date: 04 September 2014
£ 9.99
List price: £ 9.99
Fellow's price: £ 8.99

The Life of Frank Coles Phillips

Product Code: M0023
Series: GSL Memoirs - print copy
Author/Editor: Edited by Richard J Howarth (University College London, UK)and Bernard E Leake (Cardiff University, UK)
Publication Date: 24 June 2002
£ 50.00
List price: £ 50.00
Fellow's price: £ 25.00
Other societies price: £ 30.00

Hydrocarbon Habitat in Rift Basins

Product Code: SP080
Series: GSL Special Publications - print copy
Author/Editor: Edited by J.J. Lambiase
Publication Date: 01 May 1995
£ 85.00
List price: £ 85.00
Fellow's price: £ 42.50
Other societies price: £ 51.00

Atlas of Palaeogeography & Lithofacies (A4)

Product Code: M013R
Series: GSL Memoirs - print copy
Author/Editor: Edited by J. C. W. Cope, J. K. Ingham and P. F. Rawson
Publication Date: 04 November 1999
Out of print
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Beyond Extinction, The Eternal Ocean: Climate change & the continuity of life [Reduced while stocks last]

Product Code: MPBEX
Series: Miscellaneous titles
Author/Editor: By Wolfgang Grulke
Publication Date: 01 July 2019
£ 30.40
List price: £ 38.00 £ 30.40

Volcanoes of Europe, Second edition (paperback)

Product Code: MVOEUP
Series: Miscellaneous titles
Author/Editor: By Dougal Jerram, Alwyn Scarth & Jean-Claude Tanguy
Publication Date: 27 February 2017
£ 40.00
List price: £ 40.00
Fellow's price: £ 36.00

A Revised Correlation of Cambrian Rocks in the British Isles

Product Code: SR025
Series: GSL Special Reports - print copy
Author/Editor: By A.W.A. Rushton, P.M. Brück, S.G. Molyneux, M. Williams and N.H. Woodcock
Publication Date: 06 June 2011
£ 20.00
List price: £ 20.00
Fellow's price: £ 10.00
Other societies price: £ 12.00

Key Issues in Petroleum Geology: Stratigraphy

Product Code: KISTR
Series: GSL Key Issues in Earth Sciences - print copy
Author/Editor: Edited by F. J. Gregory, P. Copestake and J. M. Pearce
Publication Date: 01 February 2008
£ 14.99
List price: £ 14.99

Extending a Continent: Architecture, Rheology and Heat Budget

Product Code: SP321
Series: GSL Special Publications - print copy
Author/Editor: Edited by U Ring and B Wernicke
Publication Date: 18 November 2009
£ 14.99
List price: £ 14.99

The NE Atlantic Region: A Reappraisal of Crustal Structure, Tectonostratigraphy and Magmatic Evolution

Product Code: SP447
Series: GSL Special Publications - print copy
Author/Editor: Edited by G. Péron-Pinvidic, J.R. Hopper, M.S. Stoker, C. Gaina, J.C. Doornenbal, T. Funck and U.E. Árting
Publication Date: 27 October 2017
£ 120.00
List price: £ 120.00
Fellow's price: £ 60.00
Other societies price: £ 72.00

Showing 21 to 30 of 1017 results
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