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Your search for books in the Subject group Earth and Solar System History returned the following 1017 results.

Showing 21 to 30 of 1017 results

Geological Results of Petroleum Exploration in Britain 1945-1957

Product Code: M0002
Series: GSL Memoirs - print copy
Author/Editor: Edited by Norman Leslie Falcon and Percy Edward Kent
Publication Date: 04 August 1960
Out of print
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View this item in the Lyell Collection

Click the link to view the contents list of this title on the Lyell Collection. Full electronic content access is dependent on type of fellowship fees paid, a relevant annual subscription or by pay-per-view.

River Planet: Rivers from Deep Time to the Modern Crisis

Product Code: MPRIVP
Series: Miscellaneous titles
Author/Editor: By Martin Gibling
Publication Date: 27 July 2021
£ 40.00
List price: £ 40.00
Fellow's price: £ 36.00

Mineral Resources Related to Ultramafic–Mafic Magmas, from Archean to Present: Old Deposits and New Prospects of Chromite, Ti–V–Magnetite and Ni–Cu–(PGE) Sulfides

Product Code: SP552
Series: GSL Special Publications - print copy
Author/Editor: Edited by S.K. Mondal, L.C. Reisberg, J.M. González-Jiménez, H.S.R. Hughes
Publication Date: 17 June 2025 (not yet published)

Not yet published

This title will be available to buy as soon as we receive stocks into our warehouse. Please note that the publication date on the listing is an estimate

Volcanic Island: from Hazard Assessment to Risk Mitigation

Product Code: SP519
Series: GSL Special Publications - print copy
Author/Editor: Edited by E. Marotta, L. D'Auria, F. Zaniboni and R. Nave
Publication Date: 02 January 2024
£ 100.00
List price: £ 100.00
Fellow's price: £ 50.00
Other societies price: £ 60.00

Subseismic-Scale Reservoir Deformation

Product Code: SP459
Series: GSL Special Publications - print copy
Author/Editor: Edited by M. Ashton, S.J. Dee and O.P. Wennberg
Publication Date: 02 January 2018
£ 85.00
List price: £ 85.00
Fellow's price: £ 42.50
Other societies price: £ 51.00

GeoBritannica: Geological landscapes and the British peoples

Product Code: MPGEOB
Series: Miscellaneous titles
Author/Editor: By Mike Leeder & Joy Lawlor
Publication Date: 28 November 2016
£ 45.00
List price: £ 45.00
Fellow's price: £ 40.50

Building Stone Decay: From Diagnosis to Conservation

Product Code: SP271
Series: GSL Special Publications - print copy
Author/Editor: Edited by R Prikryl and B J Smith
Publication Date: 09 February 2007
£ 85.00
List price: £ 85.00
Fellow's price: £ 42.50
Other societies price: £ 51.00

Faulting, Fault Sealing and Fluid Flow in Hydrocarbon Reservoirs

Product Code: SP147
Series: GSL Special Publications - print copy
Author/Editor: Edited by G Jones, Q J Fisher and R J Knipe
Publication Date: 30 November 1998
Out of print
View this item in the Lyell Collection

View this item in the Lyell Collection

Click the link to view the contents list of this title on the Lyell Collection. Full electronic content access is dependent on type of fellowship fees paid, a relevant annual subscription or by pay-per-view.

Petroleum Geoscience of the West Africa Margin

Product Code: SP438
Series: GSL Special Publications - print copy
Author/Editor: Edited by T. Sabato Ceraldi, R. A. Hodgkinson and G. Backe
Publication Date: 06 January 2017
£ 90.00
List price: £ 90.00
Fellow's price: £ 45.00
Other societies price: £ 54.00

Geofluids: Origin, Migration and Evolution of Fluids in Sedimentary Basins

Product Code: SP078
Series: GSL Special Publications - print copy
Author/Editor: Edited by J Parnell
Publication Date: 18 July 1994
Out of print
View this item in the Lyell Collection

View this item in the Lyell Collection

Click the link to view the contents list of this title on the Lyell Collection. Full electronic content access is dependent on type of fellowship fees paid, a relevant annual subscription or by pay-per-view.

Showing 21 to 30 of 1017 results
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