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Introducing Sedimentology, 2nd edition

Product Code: MPBIS2
Series: Miscellaneous titles
Author/Editor: By Stuart Jones
Publication Date: 16 August 2023
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Published by Dunedin Academic Press.

Sediments and sedimentary rocks are fundamental to our understanding of the Earth and the array of environments that characterise its surface. Since some 70% of the rocks on the Earth’s surface are sedimentary in origin and sediments are of great economic importance, there is a very good chance that we encounter a sedimentary rock or an associated sedimentary process at some point every day of our lives.
Introducing Sedimentology covers all the rudimentary aspects of sedimentology including different types of sedimentary rocks, sedimentary structures, and environments of deposition of sediments. The application of sedimentology in the search for valuable economic resources is explained and how sedimentary rocks play a key role for subsurface storage of carbon dioxide and hydrogen as part of the low-carbon energy transition.
Written for students, amateur enthusiasts and professional geologists, Introducing Sedimentology provides a succinct and accessible introduction to the science of sedimentology. It is generously illustrated with many explanatory line diagrams and colour photographs.

Type: Book
Ten Digit ISBN:
Thirteen Digit ISBN: 9781780461021
Publisher: Dunedin Academic Press
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 125
Weight: 0.5 kg


1. What is Sedimentology? 
2. Sediment to sedimentary rock
3. Sedimentary structures
4. The sedimentary environments
5. Fossils and sediments
6. The riches from sedimentary rocks
Further Reading


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