We also visited Hong Kong University, where Professors Lung Chan and Andrew Malone described how the geology degree is being changed from three to four years. The present degree boasts an accredited pathway, and we hope that in the new structure most, if not all, students will graduate with an accredited degree. All in all this was a most fruitful visit, and our thanks are to Paul Cheung and his HKRG committee. BG
Image: Graduates and students of HKU Earth Sciences with Prof. Lung Chang and Prof. Min Sun
Ian Jack (Hong Kong Regional Group) writes: HKRG can look back on the last 10 years with pride, having arranged numerous meetings, fieldtrips and conferences; maintained professional standards; promoted the role of geoscientists; liaised with related professional bodies; and facilitated mentoring and scrutineering for chartered geologist candidates in Hong Kong.
We hope that the next decade will be even more successful as we build on this legacy, maintaining our busy programme and undertaking new initiatives. The HKRG is therefore always eager to hear from geoscientists interested in sharing their experiences and ideas.
All Committee members contributed to the dinner’s success, but special thanks go to Philippa Halton and Celia Choy. Thanks also go to David and Bill for taking the time out from their busy schedules to visit us in Hong Kong.