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Geological Society of London statement on diversity, equality and inclusion

9 July 2020

The Geological Society condemns discrimination in any form and, through our Code of Conduct, requires all Fellows to encourage and assist in the development of a safe, diverse and inclusive workforce. We are firmly committed to improving access and opportunities in the geosciences, and in 2014 signed the Science Council’s Declaration on Diversity, Equality and Inclusion. We track our progress yearly through the Progression and Diversity Framework. The Society is improving on a number of fronts, but we realise that there is still considerable work to do.

At present, we are:

  • Monitoring diversity in award and research grant recipients, and working to ensure that nominations and submissions reflect the whole of the geoscience community
  • Rolling out guidance for improving diversity in conference speakers and attendees
  • Redeveloping our membership model to ensure it is inclusive
  • Signing on to the Royal Society of Chemistry’s Joint commitment for action on inclusion and diversity in publishing
  • Revising our Code of Conduct to address abusive or discriminatory behaviour outside of professional settings
  • Requiring our Fellows to cultivate an environment of respect and inclusivity in our Society and in public and professional environments
  • Working with a number of organisations to create a more equal and welcoming geoscience community at the student, early career and professional level
  • Creating a more robust reporting structure to ensure that our External Relations Committee, and hence our Council, have clear oversight of diversity initiatives

Although we always look to the future of geology, we should not ignore the past and the legacy of the Society’s early Fellows and contributors. With this in mind we are undertaking a review of our collections and their associations. We will release any new perspectives as our knowledge develops.

We welcome the numerous initiatives and petitions around diversifying the geosciences that have come to prominence in recent days, and look forward to enacting changes in both the short and long term to ensure that our Society and our profession are welcoming and inclusive for all.