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TVRG: Chalk All we need is a fracture log
Event type:
Lecture, Regional Group, Virtual event
Organised by:
Geological Society Events, Thames Valley Regional Group
Event status:
Time and location
7pm via Zoom
Event details
Not a chance remark, a serious statement representing a strongly held view on the key information required from core-logging in the Chalk. Such ideas are explored and the role of fracture logging as part of site investigations is reviewed in the context of the broader geology needed to build conceptual ground models. Such views also reflect upon the training of core-loggers. What should ‘loggers’ be expected to identify and record in the Chalk? Allied to such questions is the value of the feedback from applied geology to pure geology and vice-versa. Should site investigation information contribute more to UK geology? In doing so will making more of ‘geological’ discoveries during site investigations enhance the core-logging experience and improve the core logs produced? Should graphic logs become the compulsory next step for the Chalk? How can new discoveries be turned into research projects?
Speaker details
Rory Mortimore, MD ChalkRock Limited and Emeritus Professor of Engineering Geology, University of Brighton. President of the Geologists’ Association (2012-2014). PhD CGeol, FGS, RoGEP. Rory is a specialist consultant on chalk geology and engineering geology including highways, tunnels, hydrogeology and coastal cliff collapse mechanisms. His more than 150 publications includes three jointly authored books; 2001. British Upper Cretaceous Stratigraphy, Geological Conservation Review Series, No. 23; 2002. Engineering in chalk. CIRIA, London.; 2004. Coastal Chalk Cliff Instability. Geological Society Engineering Geology Special Publication Number 20. and 2014. Logging the Chalk. Whittles Publishing.
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