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MyGSL membership Portal

GSL Log with strapline

What can you use the MyGSL portal for? 

The MyGSL portal is the interactive hub for members that brings a number of services together. Login at the top of any page to access these services. 

MyGSL for members

Your login

To log in for the first time, follow the 'Forgotten Password' link on the login page, and then 'Request Password reset' using the email address you have given us for correspondence. You will receive an email link to reset your password. This email address will be your new MyGSL username, and will replace your previous username. To change your registered email address, please complete the form

Update your details

To update your personal details, login to MyGSL and select Edit Profile, update and save.

To change your registered email address, please complete the form

Renew your membership

Login and follow the 'Manage subscriptions' button on the MyGSL home page. Click 'Renew all' and enter your card payment details.

Please contact us if you would like to change your journal subscriptions.

 More information on renewals is available.

Renewal FAQs

If you have any questions about renewals read our FAQs

Complete your CPD

You can record your CPD activities in the new online system via the 'Manage CPD' section

For more guidance, see our CPD information pages under the ‘Recording your CPD activity’ section

Apply for Chartership

GGeol LogoThrough the MyGSL portal you can apply for Chartered Geologist (CGeol), Chartered Scientist (CSci). 

Find out more about becoming Chartered

Access Geofacets GSL-ME

Geofacets GSL-ME is free to all Fellows.Geofacets Millennium Edition screenshot

Elsevier and the Geological Society of London (GSL) have collaborated to provide GSL members with a unique opportunity to gain access to thousands of geological maps from the renowned Lyell Collection through the Geofacets platform. 

The Geofacets platform is an innovative map-based research tool designed for geoscientists. These maps are downloadable, geo-referenced, and accompanied by meta data, article abstracts and links to original source articles. 

Access to Geofacets-GSL Millennium edition is exclusive to Fellows.  Geofacets-GSL ME includes maps from GSL publications in the Lyell Collection from 2000 to the present.

To access Geofacets-GSL Millennium Edition, please log in to the Society website with your email address and member password, then navigate to the Geofacets page and click on the access link. The link is only visible when you log in to this site as a member.

See the full list of publications and find out more about Geofacets GSL-ME.

Please contact us to activate your free access - [email protected]

Receive your discounts 

Login to access your member only discounts: 

  • Bookshop discount: login to the MyGSL Portal, navigate to the Bookshop, select your books and checkout; your discount will be applied automatically.

  • Events discount: login, navigate to Events, select your event and input your membership number when registering.

MyGSL for new applicants

Apply for Fellowship

New applicants can apply for Fellowship through the MyGSL portal. 

Login at the top of any page, register and start your application. 

Information is available on the grades of Fellowship, fees and guidance notes.  

Any questions about how to use our website or to send us comments/suggestions for improvements please email [email protected].