Developments in Microthermometry, Spectroscopy, Thermodynamics and Stable Isotopes

The interdisciplinary nature of research undertaken to understand the role of fluids in geological environments, coupled with rapid developments in new non-destructive analytical techniques, has meant that the production of a single current and practical reference or data source on geofluids / palaeofluids has proved problematic – a situation familiar in other burgeoning areas of geoscience. ‘Geofluids’ is a commendable attempt to address this shortcoming in the literature.
Introduced with overview chapters summarising the general characteristics of geofluids, their phase diagrams and equations of state, the main sections (with supporting appendices) cover both direct (fluid inclusion microthermometry, Raman and infrared spectroscopy) and indirect (fluid thermodynamics and stable isotopes) techniques that are currently applied to routinely analyse and interpret geological problems. An additional chapter on miscellaneous spectrographic and chromatographic methods is also included.
Topics are presented through a practical ‘step by step’ approach, describing the theoretical background of each method, sample preparation, measurements, analysis and the interpretation of data appropriate to mineral – fluid – melt equilibria. Most chapters include relevant worked examples derived from both theory and a range of specific case studies, many in the form of solved ‘Problem Boxes’ within the main text.
The appendices contain extensive equations of state data, stable isotope fractionation equations and Raman spectroscopic analysis tables (including Raman analytical data for 548 mineral phases and fluid species arranged by both vibrational energies and phase / species name) that underpin the identification of fluid inclusion daughter minerals and associated dissolved compounds.
The volume provides an excellent synthesis of current geofluid research methodologies and their application. Authored by a team of highly experienced researchers in the field, the book is written in a clear and concise style, with numerous figures, data-tables, graphical drawings and photographs that appropriately supplement the accompanying text. Many are presented in colour and enhance the understanding of the textual details.
The expected readership are graduate students and professional academic and industrial geoscience researchers specialising in fluids and fluid flow in the Earth’s crust and mantle, fluid – rock interactions, hydrothermal geochemistry and mineral, oil and gas exploration. An overdue treatment of the subject, this book is recommended and anticipated to become established as a standard reference work.
Reviewed by Mark Griffin
GEOFLUIDS – DEVELOPMENTS IN MICROTHERMOMETRY, SPECTROSCOPY, THERMODYNAMICS AND STABLE ISOTOPES by Vratislav Hurai, Monika Huraiová, Marek Slobodník and Rainer Thomas. Published by: Elsevier. 2015. ISBN 978-0-12-803241-1. Sbk. 489pp. List Price: £100.00,