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Bruce Yardley appointed Chief Geologist

Bruce Yardley (Leeds University) has been appointed Chief Geologist by The Radioactive Waste Management Directorate (RWMD) of the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA).

Chartership news

Chartership Officer Bill Gaskarth reports on a projected new logo for use by CGeols, advice on applications and company training schemes

Climate Change Statement Addendum

The Society has published an addendum to 'Climate Change: Evidence from the Geological Record' (November 2010) taking account of new research

Cracking up in Lincolnshire

Oliver Pritchard, Stephen Hallett, and Timothy Farewell consider the role of soil science in maintaining the British 'evolved road'

Critical metals

Kathryn Goodenough* on a Society-sponsored hunt for the rare metals that underpin new technologies

Déja vu all over again

As Nina Morgan Discovers, the debate over HS2 is nothing new...

Done proud

Ted Nield hails the new refurbished Council Room as evidence that the Society is growing up

Earth Science Week 2014

Fellows - renew, vote for Council, and volunteer for Earth Science Week 2014!  Also - who is honoured in the Society's Awards and Medals 2014.

Fookes celebrated

Peter Fookes (Imperial College, London) celebrated at Society event in honour of Engineering Group Working Parties and their reports

Geology - poor relation?

When are University Earth Science departments going to shed their outmoded obsession with maths, physics and chemistry?

Nancy Tupholme

Nancy Tupholme, Librarian of the Society and the Royal Society, has died, reports Wendy Cawthorne.

Power, splendour and high camp

Ted Nield reviews the refurbishment of the Council Room, Burlington House

The Sir Archibald Geikie Archive at Haslemere Educational Museum

You can help the Haslemere Educational Museum to identify subjects in Sir Archibald Geikie's amazing field notebook sketches, writes John Betterton.

Top bananas

Who are the top 100 UK practising scientists?  The Science Council knows...

March 2009


Zombie alert!

Ted Nield is proud to announce the return of the 2004 Great Chicxulub Debate to the Society website


SPOSH, or just tosh?

Darren Wilcox has problems with DEFRA's Soil Guideline Values



Brett's boulders

Alexis Drahos (Sorbonne, Paris) describes the influence of glacial theory on English Pre-Raphaelite painter, John Brett (1831-1902)



Core value

The BGS Core Archive is an ideal teaching tool, says Gary Hapson (Imperial College)


News in Brief...

Joe McCall ponders Cosmology, Ediacarans and Impact structures


...more News in Brief

Joe McCall's round-up of the month's geonews...continued!


Society News

To CPD or not to CPD?

That is the question posed by Professional Secretary, Professor David Maning (Newcastle University)


"Possible Piton" - identified

Mysterious peak identified as Pieter Both in Mauritius


Books & Arts

Two Books Reviewed

By John Gaskarth and Mike Rosenbaum



Border skirmish

Graham Leslie takes a fresh look at a long-standing and still active controversy in Scottish geology


Of all places, why here?

Nigel Harris, who won a Society field research grant to go to Mongolia, describes his field visit and asks why there are volcanoes there at all...


Online Special

Archaean oxygen?

3.46 billion year-old rock suggests the Earth’s atmosphere was as oxygenated then as it is today, writes Sarah Day


Cluster's last stand?

Sarah Day reports on the New Madrid Fault system


Dino mudbath bloodbath

Dino discovery in Gobi Desert


God and the geologists

‘Geology and Religion’ charts the long history of interaction between these two seemingly disparate fields


I saw you coming

Asteroid monitored from outer space to ground impact for the first time


Keep left

New clues to a long-standing mystery about how life works


Shipshape Bristol becomes museum fashion victim

Bristol City Museum geology collection needs your support, writes Ted Nield


Soils of the world united

Scientists from around the world are collaborating to produce a new digital soil map of the world



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Volume 19 No 3 March 2009
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