University College London, Dept of Earth Sciences
Currently accredited degree programmes
1st degrees (currently accredited)
- BSc (Hons) Geology
- MSci Geology
- BSc (Hons) Environmental Geoscience
- MSci Environmental Geoscience
- MSci Geophysics
Date reaccreditation (begins – expires): September 2023 – September 2029
Formerly accredited degree programmes
1st degrees (formerly accredited)
For students graduating from July 2009 onwards:
- BSc Geology
- BSc Environmental Geoscience
Note: To be accredited, all awards should be designated as 'Honours' with effect from 2026 Graduation Year.
For students graduating from July 2009 to July 2025
For students graduating from July 2010 onwards:
- MSci Geology
- MSci Environmental Geoscience
- MSci Geophysics
For students graduating from July 2010 to July 2025:
- MSci International (Geology), continuing as MSci Geology (International)
- MSci International (Environmental Geoscience), continuing as MSci Environmental Geoscience (International)
- MSci International (Geophysics), continuing as MSci Geophysics (International)