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Earth's Canvas: Exploring Geology in Creativity

17 - 18 September 2024
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Event type:
Organised by:
Geological Society Events
The Geological Society, Burlington House
Event status:

Event details

This event aims to bring together diverse disciplines at Burlington House, Piccadilly to explore the impact of geology on creative observation, articulation, expression and outreach. Inspiration includes landscape, the subsurface, geological processes, deep time and the Anthropocene. In-person presentations and performances will run in parallel with skills workshops along the following themes:

  • Art, sculpture and illustration
  • Poetry and literature
  • Music and song


The meeting seeks to explore the role of geology in the creative process. The creative processes fall into three broad themes as noted above, although we recognise there can be blurring of the boundaries and fusion between themes and we welcome contributions covering the full spectrum of possibility.

While performance and exhibition underpin contributions to the event, we seek to understand the journey contributors followed and experienced from their initial inspiration to the final artwork (artwork in its broadest sense). We seek to hear the narrative of how geology has influenced the creative process which may be through interactive presentation, Q&A or written description to accompany artworks.

The iconic surroundings of Burlington House will provide a profound backdrop to this meeting which seeks to make use of a variety of space in the building, including the lecture theatre, the Lower and Upper Libraries and further breakout spaces.

Target audience

We invite attendance from anyone with an interest in geology and an interest in the arts. The aspiration is that attendance at the meeting will demonstrate how these disciplines can and do inspire each other.


Lucy Williams – Rockhopper Exploration

Steve Garrett – Guitarist

Emma Jude – Fine artist

Patrick Corbett – Heriot-Watt University/Scottish Centre for Geopoetics

Peter Dolan – Dolan & Associates Ltd


The programme is now live and can be viewed under the 'downloads' tab on this page.


For sponsorship enquiries, please contact for more information.

Many thanks to our supporters.

Burngate Purbeck Stone Centre logo Scottish Centre for Geopoetics logo


With acknowledgement and thanks to the Curry Fund of the Geologists' Association, we are pleased to offer 6 x £250 attendance bursaries to the Earth's Canvas conference. Bursaries will be awarded randomly based on completion of the application form; at least 4 of the 6 bursaries will be awarded to individuals working outside the Greater London area.

To apply for one of these bursaries, please complete the application form by 30 June. Successful and unsuccessful applicants will be informed by 17 July.

Earth's Canvas: The Concert

In addition to the Earth's Canvas: Exploring Geology in Creativity event, we are also holding an evening event on Tuesday 17 September. The poster and programme for the event can be found in the downloads section of this page. Tickets are £40 and can be purchased at the bottom of the page.


We have limited capacity across each tier, so book early to ensure your space.

Fellow £195
Non-Fellow £235
Student Member
Student Non-Member
Corporate Patron £215
Retired Fellow £195

*Please note that the evening event is not included in the price of the ticket for the main event.

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Register for evening event