The correlation of these grades with the categories in the SISG documents is intended to encourage stakeholders to specify a grade of registration, which is competence based, rather than a number of years experience.
The following areas of ground engineering expertise are recognised in the Register: coastal/marine, contaminated land and landfill engineering, engineering geology, hydrogeology, foundations and retaining structures, ground investigation, ground treatment, materials, earthworks, mining and quarrying, soil and rock mechanics, slopes stability and underground works. Applicants for the upper levels of the Register will be required to identify specialisation in at least four of these areas.
Registrants will be entitled to describe themselves as UK Registered Ground Engineering Professional, Specialist or Adviser, as appropriate.
Application Process
Applicant will be assessed on the basis of their competence and experience as demonstrated by submission of:
- recent CPD records
- a summary CV
- summary of technical experience, in the form of a personal statement setting out their competence and experience related to the following six attributes:
- innovation
- technical solutions
- integration with other engineering disciplines
- risk management
- sustainability
- management
- statements from two sponsors.
The applications will be reviewed by two assessors appointed by the Panel according to their professional specialisation. Candidates applying for entry to the Register at the same time as chartership validation will be assessed at their validation interview. Most other candidates will not be interviewed unless the assessors feel that they are borderline for the grade for which they have applied. There will be an appeals procedure available for applicants who are unsuccessful.
The levels of competence set out in the Register require that a registered Ground Engineering Professional should be able to demonstrated ability in respect of the six attributes as applied to their specialisation; a Specialist will similarly be able to manage the application of these attributes and an Advisor will take full responsibility for tasks encompassing those attributes.
Registration will be for a period of five years, following which Registrants will be required to show that they are entitled to remain on the Register. To do this they will generally have to demonstrate continued engagement in ground engineering, continued chartered status and CPD.