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Earth Science Week 2016: Durham Cathedral Geowalk

15 - 16 October 2016
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Event type:
Workshop, Geology walk
Organised by:
Earth Science Week 2016
Durham Cathedral woodlands and riverbanks
Event status:

Durham Cathedral is running a free, family Geowalk trail with activity back packs on the final weekend of Earth Science Week

The walk through the Cathedral managed woodlands and riverbanks will introduce walkers to some of the geological features of the river gorge and explore what they can tell us about the distant geological past. The backpacks will include a range of family-oriented activities aimed at making the subject more appealing to families and young children, including timeline activities and stone samples. No prior knowledge of geology is needed.

Each packpack will include:

  • A guided geowalk along Durham Cathedral woodlands and riverbanks
  • Geological timeline
  • Activity sheets
  • A selection of stone samples from the local area


15th and 16th October



Further Information

For more information please contact Pam Stewart ([email protected])