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Earth Sciences and Climate Change: Challenges to Development in Africa

03 - 09 November 2014
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Event type:
Conference, Field trip
Organised by:
Windhoek, Namibia
Event status:

The African Association of Women in Geosciences (AAWG) organises its seventh conference, 'Earth Sciences and Climate Change: Challenges to Development in Africa'. AAWG supports the development of Earth Scientists in Africa by providing opportunities for networking and applying science for the sustainable development challenges the continent is facing. Opportunities for earth scientists are great, extending from traditional mineral extraction to environmental management such as climate change adaptation, prevention of natural hazards, water scarcity, and ensuring access to quality earth science training.

To assist African governments to realize opportunities, AAWG activities are developed through a participatory approach. International conferences have been organized to address various issues that affect the African continent, to which Earth Scientists can make a contribution. The 7th AAWG conference is being organized, taking into consideration the current challenges the continent is facing in view of the changing climatic conditions, which is threatening sustainable development agenda in Africa.

Conference Sub-Themes

  • Women and climate change
  • Earth Science: History
  • Earth and its Dynamics
  • Earth and Life
  • Pedology and Pedogenesis
  • Global Warming and Climate Change
  • Earth and Ecology
  • Medical Geology
  • Earth Science and Hydrology
  • Applications of Earth Sciences
  • Petrology
  • Earth and Environmental Science
  • Archaeology and paleontology
  • Geoheritage, Geotourism and climate change
  • Earth Sciences and local communities

Provisional Programme

1 day workshop, 3 days presentations of papers at Windhoek and 3 days postconference field trip.

Field Trip

The field will go to the west coast of Namibia. More details will be provided on the website site of the Association,
Fees: 250€ per person
The field trip fees will include the guide book, the transport and the accommodation during the field trip. The last night in Windhoek is not included.

Registration Fees

  • 250 € for private companies and international participants
  • 100 € for African non AAWG members
  • 80 € for AAWG members and students
  • 50 € Gala dinner

The registration fees will include abstract volume, coffee breaks, and conference lunches. There are partial sponsorship possibilities for AAWG members who will present papers during the conference.

Instructions for Submission of Abstracts

Abstracts should not exceed 250 words (no figures, no tables and no references included), printed or written in English or in French. The topic covered should be relevant to the sub-themes of the meeting. The name, address (telephone, fax and e-mail) of the communicating author must be clearly specified. All correspondence will be maintained with this author only. Deadline for submission of abstracts: June 30th 2014.

The abstracts must be sent as attachment to [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected] before 30 June 2014. The name of the electronic file must include the name of the first author, e.g. Siby.doc.

Further Information.

The languages of the conference are English and French. For further information, please download the flyer or visit the AAWG website

Convenor Contact

African Association of Women in Geosciences

African Association of Women in Geosciences