Each year, the Journal presents an award for the best paper from an Early Career author. The prize is a free-of-charge gold open access paper in the Journal for a paper submitted within 2 years of the award, and a Special Publication.
Criteria for the award are as follows.
- The author should be within three years of earning their PhD or relevant postgraduate degree.
- Single or lead author.
- Have had no more than three first author publications.
- Exciting topic set in a general context - not parochial.
- Should be a novel approach or interpretation.
- Discussion and development of ideas, not just a collection of results/observations.
- Clear conclusions of general relevance.
- Clearly and concisely written - not over-long.
- Logical structure and argument.
- Relevant and clear diagrams.
If you wish your paper to be considered for this award you will be asked to notify the Journal Manager when the manuscript is accepted. Review papers will not normally be considered for the award unless it can be shown that they contain significant novelty. Please also note that excessive corrections at proof stage will disqualify the paper.
2023 Winner

Albina Gilmullina (Arctic sediment routing during the Triassic: sinking the Arctic Atlantis; with Klausen, T.G., Doré, A.G., Sirevaag, H., Suslova, A. and Eide, C.H.)
Previous winners

2022: Alexandra Tamas (New onshore insights into the role of structural inheritance during Mesozoic opening of the Inner Moray Firth Basin, Scotland; with Holdsworth, R.E., Underhill, J.R., Tamas, D.M., Dempsey, E.D., Hardman, K., Bird, A., McCarthy, D., McCaffrey, K.J.W. and Selby, D.)
2021: Anthony Shillito (The Silurian inception of inland desert ecosystems: trace fossil evidence from the Mereenie Sandstone, Northern Territory, Australia; with Davies, N.)
2020: Kit Hardman (Nature and significance of rift-related, near-surface fissure-fill networks in fractured carbonates below regional unconformities, with Holdsworth, R.E., Dempsey, E. and McCaffrey, K.)
2019: B. C. Coldwell (Evaluating the influence of meteorite impact events on global potassium feldspar availability to the atmosphere since 600 Ma; with Pankhurst, M. J.)
2018: William J. McMahon (High-energy flood events recorded in the Mesoproterozoic Meall Dearg Formation, NW Scotland; their recognition and implications for the study of pre-vegetation alluvium; with Davies, N.S.)
2017: Christian Haug Eide (Basin-scale architecture of deeply emplaced sill complexes: Jameson Land, East Greenland; with Schofield, N., Jerram, D.A. & Howell, J.A.)
2016: Jesse R. Reimink (Dealing with discordance: a novel approach for analyzing U–Pb detrital zircon datasets; with Davies, J.H.F.L., Waldron, J.W.F. & Rojas, X.)
2015: William McCarthy (Distinguishing diapirs from inflated plutons: an integrated rock magnetic fabric and structural study on the Roundstone Pluton, western Ireland; with Petronis, M.S., Reavy, R.J. & Stevenson, C.T)
2014: Chris Yakymchuk (Consequences of open-system melting in tectonics; with Brown, M.)
2013: Anna Bird (Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd dating of metamorphic garnet: evidence for multiple accretion events during the Caledonian orogeny in Scotland; with Thirlwall, M.F., Strachan, R.A. & Manning, C.J.
2012: Nick J. Schofield (Sill morphology and comparison of brittle and non-brittle emplacement mechanism; with Brown, D.J., Magee, C. & Stevenson, C.T.)
2011: Daniel R. Viete (The nature and origin of the Barrovian metamorphism, Scotland: diffusion length scales in garnet and inferred thermal timescales; with Hermann, J., Lister, G.S. & Stenhouse, I.R.)
2010: John J. Armitage (Cratonic basins and the long-term subsidence history of continental interiors; with Allen, P.A.)
2009: Craig Barrie Craig Barrie (On the growth of colloform textures: a case study of sphalerite from the Galmoy ore body, Ireland; with Boyce, A. J., Boyle, A. P., Williams, P. J., Blake, K., Wilkinson, J. J., Lowther, M., McDermott, P. & Prior, D. J.)
2008: Daniel P. Le Heron (First-order reconstructions of a Late Ordovician Saharan ice sheet; with Craig, J.)
2007: Carl Stevenson (Laccolithic, as opposed to cauldron subsidence, emplacement of the Eastern Mourne pluton, N. Ireland: evidence from anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility; with Owens, W. H., Hutton, D. H. W., Hood, D. N. & Meighan, D. N.)
2006: Huw Sheppard (Sequence architecture of ancient rocky shorelines and their response to sea-level change: an Early Jurassic example from South Wales, UK)
2005: Nicola DePaola (The influence and lithology and pre-existing structures on reservoir-scale faulting patterns in transtensional rift zones; with Holdsworth, R. E. & McCaffrey, K. J. W.)
2004: Victoria Smith (Reactivation of a rhyolite magma body by new rhyolitic intrusion before the 15.8ka Rotorua eruptive episode: implications for magma storage in the Okataina Volcanic Centre, New Zealand; with Shane, P. & Nairn, I.)
2003: Ingrid Ukstins Peate (The transition from sedimentation to flood volcanism in the Kangerlussuaq Basin, East Greenland: basaltic pyroclastic volcanism during initial Palaeogene continental break-up; with Larsen, M. & Lesher, C. E.)
2002: Ethan F. Baxter (Prograde temperature-time evolution in the Barrovian type locality constrained by precise Sm/Nd garnet ages from the Glan Clova, Scotland; with Ague, J. J. & DePaolo, D. J.)
2001: Sarah C. Sherlock (Two-stage erosion and deposition in a continental margin setting: a 40Ar/39Ar laserprobe study of offshore detrital white micas in the Norwegian Sea).
2000: Paola Vannucchi (Insights into shallow-level processes of mountain building from the Northern Apennines, Italy: with Maltman, A. J.)