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Northern exposures

The University of York postgraduate Diploma in The Geology of Yorkshire and Northern England, launched 2015, will be starting again in September this year, writes Dawne Riddle.

iuyThe part-time course is conducted entirely online via distance learning (with introductory residential week for field study) and lasts two years.

Dr Annette McGrath told Geoscientist: "Northern England as a whole preserves almost 500Ma of geological history within an exceptional variety of landscapes and geological sites.  This innovative course will introduce students to the regional geology of Yorkshire and Northern England, and through this undertsanding, they will acquire the knowledge and tools required with which to interpret larger-scale Earth processes and structures. 

Students will also assess the area's importance with respect to current controversies in Earth science, while also reflecting upon the region's vital role in the history of Geology.

If interested, email [email protected] for further details. 

For updated information about forthcoming Open Days: W: