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From the Publishing House

Jenny Davey has the month’s hottest titles from Geological Society Publishing

kjhWorld’s first fossilised dinosaur brain identified by Martin D Brasier, David B Norman, Alexander G Liu, Laura J Cotton, Jamie E H Hiscocks, Russell J Garwood, Jonathan B Antcliffe and David Wacey.

The discovery of the first example of fossilised brain tissue from a dinosaur has been confirmed, in an open access paper published Online First on 27 October 2016.

The specimen, at first sight an unassuming brown pebble, was found in 2004 by fossil hunter Jamie Hiscocks, near Bexhill in Sussex.


Keeping safe in the field: what, how and why? by Caroline E Gill & Gwilym J Lynn

Geological field trips are a fundamental part of the development of geoscientists both in academia and in industry. The principles learned in the field are often directly translated into everyday work and therefore maintenance of field time is critical. Across the world, the focus on health, safety and the environment for geological field trips is increasing and it is no longer acceptable to pile onto a bus and go out for an afternoon with no prior planning.

This paper will address why field trip safety is of increasing importance, considerations that should be taken in order to keep geoscientists safe in the field and practical guidance on how to enable planning for safe field trips in the future.