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Biographies of members of Council 2024/25

Professor Jon Gluyas


Prof John Gluyas

I am a geologist with 41 years' experience in industry and academia. I became a Geological Society Fellow in 1978 and have served the society on Publications, Awards and Remuneration committees as well as Council (2004-2007, including Strategic Planning Committee). I compiled and edited Memoirs 20 and 52 as well as serving as organiser and proceedings editor on several Barbican and Society applied geoscience conferences. In 2000 I was awarded the Aberconway Medal.

As a leader, I have been Chair of the BGS Board, President of the Petroleum Exploration Society of Great Britain and Earth Science Teachers Association, and am now the founding President of the Geothermal Energy Advancement Association. From 2011-2014, I served as Head of Department in Earth Sciences at Durham University.

Since joining Durham University in 2009, I have helped drive the national agenda on carbon capture and storage, and have led both the research and deployment of geothermal energy in the UK. Other research has included the co-creation and testing of the first ever exploration strategy for helium and the beginnings of the same for natural hydrogen.

April 2023 saw me step down from my role as Executive Director Durham Energy Institute having led it for six years. It is time for a new challenge, and I relish the opportunity to lead our wonderful Society, a society which should and will play a critical role in the global energy transition as well as helping ensure the global-society gets to live on a sustainable planet where resources are used and reused wisely.

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Professor Mark Anderson

Prof Mark Anderson

Currently Professor of Geology in the School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of Plymouth, where I have worked since 1991, I was Head of Earth Sciences for eight years and then Head of School for seven years, stepping down from that role in July 2020. My active research projects and teaching fall under the broad umbrella of plate boundary deformation processes, and all incorporate significant elements of fieldwork.

I have been a Fellow of the Society since 1985, a Chartered Geologist since 2015 and has served as Secretary and Chair of the Society's South West Regional Group, Executive Secretary of the Committee of Heads of University Geoscience Departments and Executive Secretary and Chair of University Geoscience UK. In 2021, I chaired the review panel for the Society's university degree course accreditation scheme. I was awarded a Coke Medal in 2017 in recognition of his contributions to science and significant service to the geoscience community.

As a member of Council, I will use his experience to help the Society serve its members and wider society as the main voice for geoscience in the UK. I am also committed to making the membership more diverse by removing barriers to inclusion at all stages in the academic and professional development of future generations of geoscientists.

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Dr Anna Bird

Dr Anna Bird

I am a Reader in Earth Science at the University of Hull and have worked in academia since 2007. My broad research interests mean I have the opportunity to interact with a wide spectrum of the geoscience community, from Quaternary scientists to members of MSG, TSG, and industry partners. I am also active within UKRI, serving on NERC standard grants panels and a Future Leaders Fellowship sifting panel.

I became a Fellow of the Society in 2014, when I won membership for the Young Author of the Year Award. Before joining Council, I was already sitting on the Science Committee, and had been serving on SiG committees since 2011, holding the role of chair of MSG (2015-2018).

I am keen to work to strengthen the link between the Society and universities to ensure that we build a clear picture of Earth Science career pathways to attract and retain students to reverse Earth sciences' declining student numbers. In addition, I am passionate about increasing outreach and diversity, and I am eager to further these agendas within the Society and beyond.

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Professor Sian Davies-Vollum

sian davies-vollum

I am an environmental geoscientist with a background in fluvial and coastal systems. Recently, I have focussed on climate change and environmental hazards in coastal environments and I co-lead the international Resilient Lagoon Network. I was previously Head of Built and Natural Environment at the University of Derby and am now Professor of Environmental Geoscience and Deputy Dean at University of Northampton.

Since 2016, I have been a member of Universities Geoscience UK (UGUK), serving as Executive as Secretary and Vice Chair. In those roles, I have worked closely with Society on geoscience education and contributed to development of the Geological Society - UGUK university recruitment strategy.

I led the 2022 revision of the subject benchmark statement (SBS) for Earth/Environmental Science degrees, which guides their content and delivery. I am on Society's Joint Higher Education Committee and Degree Accreditation Panel and played a large role in revising the accreditation, enabling its alignment with the new SBS. I am also a member of the trailblazer group developing a degree apprenticeship in geoscience.

I want to bring my experience to Council to raise awareness of geology as a subject critical to our sustainable future and to ensure it attracts a diverse mix of next-generation geoscientists.

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John Davis

john davis

I am an Engineering Geologist with about 38 years' experience in industry as a contractor, client, and consultant. I am a Chartered Geologist, a Register of Ground Engineering Professionals (RoGEP) Adviser and currently a Senior Partner at Geotechnical Consulting Group LLP. I'm the current Chair of the Engineering Group and an active member of the Quaternary Research Association via its Engineering Group. I've been a Fellow since 1989, Chartered for 23 years, and EurGeol since 2002.

Why did I want to join Council? This is a classic 'giving something back' pitch. I've gained a great deal of benefit and a great many friends and contacts through my Society membership. As I approach partial retirement, I'd like to put this experience and knowledge to good use. I've learned via involvement in many construction projects, and latterly in construction-related disputes, that collaboration is key to organisational and project success.

My main areas of interest and activity for the past decade or so have been quaternary engineering hazards, soft ground tunnelling, and contractual methods of sharing construction-related ground risk. I also have several years' experience as a trustee of a former employer's pension fund. I'm also a member of the British Geotechnical Association, British Tunnelling Society, Geologists' Association and Northern Mine Research Society.

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Dr Andrew Dobrzański

john davis

The Society has an important role in supporting geologists to secure sustainable resource supplies and to provide a level-headed approach to development and energy policy. I can support Council in driving parliamentary geoscience engagement, supporting early career activities, and expanding the Society's range of international partnerships to achieve this.

My geological research background is in igneous critical-metal ore-deposit geology. I have served on the Society's Information Management Committee and the MinSoc's Applied Mineralogy Group, and I'm currently Chair of the Society's Discussion Group.

As President of the Royal Chartered Newcastle Mining Institute, I work with local industry on promoting key regional engineering issues, encouraging Chartership via the Society and other Institutes, and organising geotechnical and engineering events in Newcastle. At Cambridge, I manage critical materials research programmes and interdisciplinary energy transition events, and provide responses to parliamentary materials, resource and energy consultations, alongside supervising Part IB geology students. I have worked with the Canadian and Australian embassies to develop international critical metal links and research with the UK.

This year will also bring news on Burlington House and the Charter and Bye-Laws review, and I can bring to Council experience in charity law and legal issues involving revising Royal Charters and Bye-Laws.

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Dr Natasha Dowey

Dr Natasha Dowey

I am a senior lecturer in geoscience and environmental hazards, and Course Lead of BSc Environmental Science, at Sheffield Hallam University. My research specialisms include volcanic hazard analysis and action research to improve equity, diversity and inclusion in the Geosciences. I am an advocate for sustainable, equitable geoscience, and I am founder and Editor of Geoscience for the Future - an initiative that highlights how geoscientists are making the world a better place and connects geoscientists with schools for outreach events. I am EDI Champion trustee for the charity Geology for Global Development.

Prior to her academic career, I spent seven years as a research geoscientist in the oil and gas sector, following my PhD in volcanology at the University of Liverpool. I have an MPhil in igneous geochemistry and a BSc in Environmental Earth Science from Aberystwyth University.

I have been a Geological Society Fellow for almost 20 years. I wish to support the Geological Society in leading the way in making geoscience more equitable, for both those studying and working within it, and for the communities geoscientists serve. I am keen to explore how best the Geological Society can use its respected voice to engage the public in a sustainable geoscience agenda that makes the discipline more relevant and attractive to geoscientists of the future.

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Miss Hollie Fisher

Hollie Fisher

I am a Senior Engineering Geologist with over seven years' experience with Atkins, working on a variety of water and infrastructure projects across the UK and abroad. Prior to starting my career, I studied BSc Physical Geography and Geology and MSc Engineering Geology.

Treasurer and Trustee for the charity Diversity in Geoscience, an Enterprise Advisor for local schools and an active STEM Ambassador, I am a keen advocate for diversity and inclusion within the geosciences, with a focus on outreach to secondary school children within deprived areas in the UK. In 2019, I won the Rising Star Award at the EMAP Ground Engineering Magazine Awards due to my contribution to STEM initiatives and my passion for advocating that a career in the geosciences is available to all.

I am the current Chair of the South-East Regional Group and have been active on the committee since taking part in the Early Careers Geoscientist Competition. As a member of Council, I hope to use my experience to further diversify the Society and make it more visible and approachable to future geoscientists from variable backgrounds.

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Dr Neil Frewin

neil frewin

I have 27 years of industry oil & gas experience as a geoscientist, much of that time with Shell, but also periods with Hess UK Ltd and BG Group. I have spent much of his recent career in exploration asset management and new business development, with roles in Oman, China, Australia, Mexico and Canada.

I am currently leading a regional geology team with Shell in London, a role that has a global basin search remit. I was a recent President of the PESGB (2017-2019) and a founder of the 'Exploring the Energy Transition' special interest group.

In addition to being a member of Council, I am a Fellow and a Trustee of the Geological Society. I am also a Trustee of The Etches Collection, a museum of Jurassic marine life located in Dorset. I am a member of several advisory boards, including the UK Centre of Masters Training, Royal Holloway University of London School of Life Sciences & the Environment, and the Haliburton STEPS research program.

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Dr Jennie Gilbert

Jennie Gilbert

I attended my initial Society meetings as a geology undergraduate while at Imperial in the 1980s. Inspired, I became a Fellow in 1986. While a PhD student in volcanology and geochemistry at Cambridge, Society meetings – in particular Volcanic and Magmatic Studies Group (VMSG) meetings – were highlights because these were opportunities for me to present my work, extend my network and learn beyond my discipline.

I continued into academia via post-doctoral positions in volcanology at the University of Bristol and later secured a permanent post at Lancaster University, which is where I am currently based.

I have previously served the Society as a committee member and secretary of VMSG, and a member of the organising committee of two VMSG meetings held in Lancaster and other meetings sponsored by the Society. As an academic, I offer knowledge and skills in research and teaching in Earth sciences; I hold a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy qualification. In addition, I am deeply interested in equality, diversity and inclusivity issues, and geologic conservation. I have benefitted from opportunities with the Society and am ambitious to help others do similarly.

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Dr David Giles

David Giles

I am an engineering geologist with over 40 years' experience in academia and industry. I am a Chartered Geologist, RoGEP Adviser and currently Technical Director of Card Geotechnics (CGL) Ltd. I graduated from the Portsmouth Engineering Geology and Geotechnics degree and my experience includes 28 years lecturing in Engineering Geology at Portsmouth having previously worked for the BGS and Mott MacDonald.

My geological interests include Quaternary engineering geology, engineering geomorphology, geological hazards, and remote sensing. My PhD focused on computer-based modelling and analysis in engineering geology. I have published over 65 papers and supervised seven PhD theses. Externally, I am a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, Member of the British Geotechnical Association and Quaternary Research associations and Member of Ground Engineering Editorial Advisory Board.

I am an active member of the Engineering Group, a past Chair, and member of Geological Society Working Parties including chairing UK Geological Hazards and contributing to the Engineering Geology and Geomorphology of Glaciated and Periglaciated Terrains. My role within the Engineering Group focuses on convening the annual field meeting undertaken for the past 25 years. I remain passionate about geology being principally a field-based discipline for all aspects of the subject.

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Mr Martin Griffin

Martin Griffin

I am a Principal Geotechnical Engineer with COWI. I am dyslexic, dyspraxic, autistic and partially sighted. These are the conditions which have shaped me, but they don't define who I am. I am a workplace Equality Diversity Inclusion (EDI) Office Champion advocating disability awareness in our sector. I have 20+ years professional experience with consultancies working on national and international projects.

I promote and advance equality, celebrate diversity and stand up for people who are from underrepresented groups within the geoscience community. I am on External Relations Committee and also represent perspectives of those who are on the periphery of the geoscience community and be a positive and proactive voice for such people in decision-making at the Geological Society.

I graduated from Exeter University in 1995 with a 2-1 in Industrial Geology. In 2008, I became an active Fellow of the Geological Society and a member of the Engineering Geology Group. I became a Chartered Geologist in 2017 via the 20-year route. I am also a European Geologist, Chartered Engineer and a Fellow of the IOM3 awarded for my dedication to EDI. Currently, I am Geological Society Scrutineer, journal peer reviewer for QJEGH and IAEG, STEM Ambassador, a Ground Forum Mentor and a National Executive Committee Member of the Association of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmentalists.

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Leanne Hughes

Leanne Hughes

I am a Survey Geologist with 15 years' mapping experience at the British Geological Survey (BGS). I specialise in mapping and interpreting Quaternary deposits for use by utilities companies, government agencies, and other stakeholders. I am passionate about knowledge sharing and enabling geologists to integrate mobile technologies into field mapping workflows, having been fortunate enough to work globally.

Joining as a fellow in 2009, I became a Chartered Geologist in 2015, then a chartership mentor and member of the Academic Accreditation Committee. Previously, I have served as Vice-President of the Geologists' Association, where I implemented new communication threads to develop a wider reach. I'm actively involved in outreach and public engagement, running a Brownie unit and delivering STEM/Geoscience-themed activities to other local groups.

In my role on Council, I would like to collaborate and build the common values of the Society&'s commitment to 'Advancing and sharing knowledge of planet Earth' with the BGS's strategy to 'Understand our Earth', by considering how we can help grow interest in geosciences and keep geoscientific issues on the wider societal radar. We need to enable a diverse and skilled workforce to fill future skills gaps and foster a growing partnership between the society and stakeholders.

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Dr Ilias Karapanos

Dr Ilias Karapanos

I have been a Fellow of the Geological Society since 2012, and I gained the Chartered Geologist status in 2016. I have more than 15 years' experience in the field of hydrogeology both in the UK and Greece. Since completing a BSc in Geology, I continued with a MSc and PhD in Hydrogeology, before joining the UK water industry in 2011.

Throughout my academic studies and professional career, I have conducted and interpreted numerous pumping tests and designed and led groundwater pollution investigations. As part of my current role at Affinity Water as the Head of Water Resources Management Planning, I lead a team of scientists and engineers contributing to the long term strategic plan for the business, which also links to the regional plans of Water Resources in the South East and Water Resources East groups. As part of my role, I provide advice and technical support to various departments within the business, ranging from day-to-day operations to drought resilience and flood management of groundwater resources. I am also a committee member of the Groundwater Modellers' Forum since January 2022 and a regular contributor to the Society's Hydrogroup conferences.

I believe that I can help communicate the Society's values by promoting collaboration across various stakeholders and diverse interest groups. I am an advocate for communicating science and technical aspects of hydrogeology and water resources planning to both technical and non-technical audiences, so that everyone understands better the planet we live in and preserves it for future generations.

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Dr Michael Kehinde

Michael Kehinde

By serving on Council, I want to work with others to help the Society achieve its outcomes and enhance its public brand. I bring onboard experience as trustee, school governor and as EDI champion in the Environment Agency as Founder/ex-Lead of the B.A.M.E. Network and as Steering Group member of Defra's Project Race.

I want to focus on improving the way we communicate the critical role of the geosciences in attaining the global Sustainable Development Goals and in securing resources for the future; and on stretching EDI to include empowerment.

Prior to joining the Environment Agency, I worked in the water resources and environment management sector in Europe and Africa as consultant to industry, to national government and to UNICEF on various local, national and international projects; and I was a senior university academic involved in teaching and research at the University of Lagos.

I have been a Fellow of the Society for six years, became Chartered in 2014 via the 20-year route, and belong to the Hydrogeology Group. I hold an MSc in Applied Geology and PhD in Hydrogeology and speak German fluently. Additionally I am a Prince2 certified project manager with good track record of managing successful projects.

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Professor Daniel Le Heron

Prof Daniel Le Heron

I am Professor of Sedimentology at the University of Vienna, whose main research area lies in the understanding of ancient glaciations and their deposits.

I have been a Fellow of the Society since 2000 and have had a close association with many of its activities, particularly in publications. I was awarded the JGS Early Career Award in 2008 and, over the past 10 years, have organised and co-organised several major conferences and published outputs in three Special Publications. I have served on the Energy Group Committee and, since 2018, on the Books Committee. In addition, I am an Associate Editor of the 'Journal for Sedimentary Research', and I have acted as guest Associate Editor for 'Sedimentology'.

I am excited to serve as a member of Council and am keen to use my extensive experience, both in publishing and on Society committees, to support the Society to grow and face any forthcoming challenges, in particular the increasing complexity of the publications model.

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Mr Ben Lepley

Ben Lepley

I have worked for SRK Consulting since graduating from Cardiff University; first as a mineral resource geologist for 12 years and, since early 2021, as an environmental consultant.

I have been a Fellow of the Society since 2008, a Chartered Geologist since 2014 and also served on the Southern Wales GSL committee between 2009 and 2011. I am co-chair of the public perception of mining committee with the Critical Minerals Association and, as part of this role, engage with a number of organisations, including school and university education, academia, exploration and mining industry.

Whilst on Council, I would like to build on opportunities for industry-academia collaboration, multi-disciplinary thinking and public outreach. Geoscience is fundamental to understanding and tackling climate change, but there is a lack of public understanding of what it is and why we need it, and the Society is well placed to push this message further. In addition, as a Council member, I am keen to improve the perception of geoscience in the public eye, particularly with the aim of encouraging more students to study and choose a career in this diverse and rewarding area.

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Louisa McAra

Louisa McAra

I am a Chartered Geologist with 24 years' experience in consultancy as an engineering geologist. I grew up on the Jurassic coast and studied for a BSc in Exploration and Mining Geology followed by an MSc in Engineering Geology at Cardiff University. I completed my MSc dissertation in Hong Kong, where I worked for the next 12 years. This early part of my career gave me a foundation in slope stability, natural terrain hazards, and large-scale ground investigations and ground characterisation for major infrastructure projects. I became a Fellow of the Geological Society in 1996.

I am the current chair of the Western Regional Group and have been a Chartership Assessor for many years, as I feel strongly about supporting my professional body. I am also part of the Bristol University School of Earth Sciences Partnership Network. This group discusses how changes to the current curriculum can benefit future employers, the challenges facing University Earth Science education and retaining Earth Sciences as an A level subject.

I have a particular interest in professional matters and chartership and, as a line manager and mentor to junior staff, I want to bring my experience to Council to support the future generation of Earth Scientists.

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Dr Keith Myers


Keith Myers

I am head of Research at Westwood Global Energy, a global oil and gas research company, responsible for research across the business. I graduated in Geology from the University of Edinburgh and went on receive a PhD in Sedimentology from Imperial College.

I joined BP as a geologist in 1987 where I had both senior technical and commercial roles. After leaving BP in 2000, I was the managing director of an energy software company and an advisor to numerous energy companies on strategy and partnership issues. 

I was the co-founder and managing partner of Richmond Energy Partners, providing research and advice to investors in smaller oil and gas companies. REP went on to launch the Wildcat exploration intelligence service which is now relied upon by E&P companies globally. REP became part of Westwood Global Energy Group in 2015 following its sale to Energy Ventures private equity.

I have been a Fellow of the Geological Society since graduating. I have published papers on a range of topics, including in five Geological Society Special Publications, and co-authored a textbook on Sequence Stratigraphy.

I have a keen interest in the oil sector's governance and have been an Associate fellow at the foreign affairs think tank Chatham House. I have led capacity building initiatives for the parliaments of several emerging oil and gas-producing countries and I serve on the advisory group for the Natural Resource Governance Institute.

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Dr Chiara Maria Petrone

Dr Chiara Maria Petrone

The Geological Society plays a fundamental role in supporting, advancing and promoting Earth Science in UK and worldwide. As an active researcher in the UK, I strongly believe that it is my duty to contribute to raise the profile of Earth science via my research and my expertise at the service of the community.

I strongly value a fair, inclusive and transparent environment, where everybody can thrive and inclusion, collaboration, supporting careers and education is at the core. I care about inclusivity, fairness and making science accessible and relevant to people. I believe that as a woman that also belongs to the LGBTQ+ community and as a non-UK born, I can offer a different perspective to the Council enhancing the relevance of Earth science in our society.

I am Principal Researcher and head of the Volcano Petrology group at the Natural History Museum of London. I am also Co-Editor-in-Chief for Earth and Planetary Science Letters (EPSL) and Science Officer of the EGU Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology & Volcanology (GMPV) Division. I was committee member of Mineralogical Society and of Volcanic and Magmatic Specialist Group (VMSG). My research focusses on fundamental questions on the tempo, architecture, origin, evolution, dynamics and impact of magmatic systems and their eruptions.

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Ms Gemma Sherwood

Vice President – Regional Groups

Gemma Sherwood

I am a Senior Geologist for EDF Energy, working on the construction of Hinkley Point C Nuclear Power Station. I read for a Geology MSci (University of Bristol) and later studied for a MSc in Geotechnical Engineering (University of Birmingham). I became a Fellow of the Geological Society in 2008, achieving Chartered Geologist status in 2016 and was listed on the RoGEP in 2017. I am proud to have won the Glossop Award in 2017.

I have been on the Western Regional Group committee for five years; serving four years as Programme Coordinator and currently as Chairperson. While on the committee, I have restarted our regional heat of the Schools Geology Challenge, organised multiple field trips and lectures, and promoted entrants for the Early Career Geoscientist Award.

I am passionate about promoting STEM subjects, regularly volunteering as a STEM ambassador at schools and science festivals, aiming to promote and encourage Earth science careers. I believe that I can help Council to realise the Geological Society's Strategy 2017-2027, particularly engaging with schools and stimulating public awareness.

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Dr Kevin Stephen

Dr Kevin Stephen

I am a recently retired schoolteacher with 30 years' experience of delivering GCSE and A level Geology. I entered teaching following a PGCE in Science Education (Bath University), after degrees in BSc Geology (Portsmouth), MSc Petroleum Geology (Aberdeen), and PhD in Basin Analysis (Edinburgh).

I have a passion for Earth Science education. As Head of Geology, I built a highly successful Geology department in a NW England 11-18 state school. My past students have made careers in all branches of the Earth Sciences after studying at most of the UK's universities. I have initiated strong links with industry and academia to expose my students to Geology's diverse nature. My students have been annual visitors to Burlington House and regular victors in the Society's Schools Geology Challenge. To develop the next generation of Geology teachers, I have trained graduates from HEI across the Manchester area. I have worked with both Geology exam boards in the writing of GCSE and A level examinations and syllabi.

The recruitment of new galvanised students into the Earth Sciences must be a key goal of the Geological Society and I would aim to keep Earth Science education at the forefront of the Society's long-term vision.

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Elizabeth Withington

Elizabeth Withington

Growing up in in the West Midlands, my formative years were spent amongst pit banks, mining subsidence and quarries. Blessed with inspiration from my A-Level geology teacher I subsequently studied Earth Sciences at Oxford Brookes, followed by an MSc in Foundation Engineering from the University of Birmingham. On graduation, I was fortunate to work on the BGS summer fieldwork program and then gain my first position within a consultancy specializing in land reclamation. From here I have worked as a local authority officer, a geotechnical consultant and a GI contractor for the past 30 plus years. I became a Fellow of the Geological Society in 1988.

I am the current Secretary of the Western Regional Group and a former committee member and Chairperson of the Midland Geotechnical Society. My current focus is to encourage Earth Sciences as a career by talking to students and parents in schools, and by supporting those with influence to policy makers to effect change. Furthermore, within my industry I am passionate about encouraging professional development and support towards Chartership. I have a particular interest in helping geologists working within the ground investigation contracting industry to gain a route to Chartership.

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