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Briefing notes on the value and changes to A level Geology

Geology is taught at schools as a GCSE and an A level subject. The A level is currently offered by two examination boards, OCR and Eduqas, as part of their STEM suite of qualifications. Based on the new Department for Education subject content published in March 2016, this updated course was first taught in 2017, with first assessment set for 2019.

Geology remains a wholly unique science subject; students learn to collect, filter and evaluate quantitative and qualitative data from the Earth’s crust and surface environment. This requires the development of problem solving skills and thus instils in students the type of critical thinking that forms the core of all STEM subjects. The new subject content has retained these key components, while adding the following changes:

  • Modernisation of subject content
  • Focus on fieldwork
  • Transferable skills in science
  • Standardised with other science subjects

  Briefing note on the Value of A level Geology 

For teachers in secondary schools and 6th form colleges looking to start teaching A level Geology

  Briefing note on the Changes to A level Geology 

An explanation of the changes to the Geology A level since the 2016 reform