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The Geology of Scotland, 5th edition (Hardback)

Product Code: GOSCOT5H
Series: GSL Geology of - print copy
Author/Editor: Edited by Martin Smith and Rob Strachan
Publication Date: 25 July 2024
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Although a small country, Scotland’s geology is complex, internationally renowned and offers an accessible outdoor research laboratory and training ground for earth science. The onshore and offshore geology together encompass examples of all Earth’s geological periods and preserve many classic examples of sedimentary basins and orogenic belts. Palaeontological findings have provided key evidence for the evolution of life. 

With a wide spectrum of contributors, full-colour figures and photographs and, for each chapter, a Topic Box highlighting key research developments and challenges, this 5th edition of The Geology of Scotland represents a major update and expansion from the 4th edition. 

A revised Introduction summarizes the geological evolution of Scotland, the nature of the crust and the societal relevance of geology to climate change and sustainability. The final three chapters provide a modern view on energy, water and minerals, environmental concerns and geoconservation. The intervening chapters cover the geological periods, including much new geochronological data and exciting new palaeontological discoveries.

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Also available in paperback.

Download: Errata for Chapter 4.

Type: Book
Ten Digit ISBN:
Thirteen Digit ISBN: 9781786206121
Publisher: GSL
Binding: Hardback
Pages: 654
Weight: 2.1 kg



Contributing authors

Preface to the Fifth Edition

Chapter 1. Scotland’s geology: evolution, crustal structure and societal relevance M. Smith, R. Strachan and A. G. Leslie

Chapter 2. Milestones in the history of Scottish geology D. Hawley and T. Sharpe

Chapter 3. Archean–Paleoproterozoic: formation of the crystalline basement K. M. Goodenough, G. L. Guice, A. F. Bird, E. D. Dempsey, H. S. R. Hughes and T. E. Johnson

Chapter 4. Late Mesoproterozoic–middle Neoproterozoic: sedimentation and orogeny on the margin of Rodinia R. Strachan, A. R. Prave, M. Krabbendam and M. Smith

Chapter 5. Middle Neoproterozoic–Early Ordovician: foreland basins, climatic extremes and rift-to-drift margins T. Prave, A. E. Fallick, R. Strachan, M. Krabbendam and A. G. Leslie

Chapter 6. Early–Middle Ordovician Grampian orogenesis: ophiolite obduction and arc–continent collision A. G. Leslie, P. Stone and R. Strachan

Chapter 7. Middle Ordovician–Silurian: Midland Valley forearc basins and the Southern Uplands accretionary complex at the southern margin of Laurentia P. Stone

Chapter 8. The Caledonian Orogeny: Late Ordovician–Early Devonian tectonic and magmatic events associated with closure of the Iapetus Ocean R. D. Law, R. Strachan, M. Thirlwall and J. R. Thigpen

Chapter 9. Old Red Sandstone: continental sedimentation on the eroding Caledonian Orogen J. E. A. Marshall

Chapter 10. Carboniferous: oblique-slip basins, intraplate magmatism and the Variscan Orogeny A. A. Monaghan, D. Millward, T. I. Kearsey, M. A. E. Browne and A. G. Leslie

Chapter 11. Permian and Triassic: changing climates in the centre of Pangaea A. J. Hartley and D. Watson

Chapter 12. Jurassic: Pangaea break-up and birth of the Atlantic Ocean N. Morton, M. Smith, T. Dodd, E. Panciroli and T. Randles

Chapter 13. Cretaceous: Atlantic rifting, inversion tectonics and transgression R. N. Mortimore and D. Long

Chapter 14. Paleogene and Neogene sedimentation: development of deep ocean circulation around the Atlantic and Arctic margins M. A. Stewart and D. Jones

Chapter 15. Paleogene igneous activity: North Atlantic plume-related magmatism B. R. Bell and I. T. Williamson

Chapter 16. Quaternary: glaciations, sea-level change and palaeoenvironmental reconstruction D. J. A. Evans, J. W. Merritt, E. R. Phillips and I. Shennan

Chapter 17. Scotland’s mineral, water and energy resources: building a low-carbon future M. Smith, P. Butler, M. R. Gillespie, R. S. Haszeldine, D. Jones, A. A. Monaghan and C. M. Rice

Chapter 18. The role of geology in developing places H. C. Fallas, J. Duckett, F. M. Fordyce, D. Linn, A. Finlayson, L. M. Peskett and A. Bowker

Chapter 19. Conserving and promoting Scotland’s geoheritage C. C. J. MacFadyen




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