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Rocks Around Britain

What do the rocks beneath your feet tell you about the rock cycle in the past?

The islands that we live on were formed over many millions of years. At times, much of the area we now call Britain was covered by sea whilst, at others, mountain ranges were formed with spectacular earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

Our climate has changed, from tropical forest through deserts and floodplains to arctic tundra, as Britain was slowly moved around the globe.

During all this time, the processes of the Rock Cycle have been active, producing a larger variety of rocks than in any other similar-sized area of the world!
Rocks around Britain Map


Use the links below to see examples of many different rocks in Britain, and some of the processes in the rock cycle.


Igneous Rock Markers These markers indicate the location of examples of igneous rocks & scenery.
Matamorphic Rock Markers These markers indicate the location of examples of metamorphic rocks & scenery.
Process Markers These markers indicate the locations of evidence of geological processes in action around Britain.
Sedimentary Rock Markers These markers indicate the location of examples of sedimentary rocks & scenery.
Deformation and Uplift Markers These markers indicate the location of examples of deformation & uplift.
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