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Building Strong Continents

02 - 04 September 2013
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Event type:
Conference, Social event, Workshop, Field trip
Organised by:
Metamorphic Studies Group
University of Portsmouth, Portland Building, Portland St.
Event status:

Evolution of the Crust: growth, stabilization, preservation and recycling

The Metamorphic Studies Group (a joint special interest group of the Mineralogical Society and the Geological Society) is hosting an international, inter-disciplinary three-day meeting focused on the geochemical, geophysical and geobiological processes that have governed the evolution of the continental crust through time. Theses processes include, but are not limited to, metamorphic, igneous, structural, sedimentological and biological, and their inter-relationships, and this meeting aims to attract key researchers within these different themes. Building Strong Continents will offer a world-class programme of presentations and discussions designed to foster inter-disciplinary research into how the continental crust evolved and developed through time.

Pre-conference workshop

Pre-conference workshop on in–situ analytical techniques aimed at early career researchers (Saturday 31 August and Sunday 1 September)

Workshop is being organised by James Darling and will include presentations by:

  • Matt Hostwood (LA-MC-ICPMS)
  • Bruce Charlier (NanoSIMS, micro-drilling for isotope geochemistry)
  • Richard Hinton (SIMS and HR-SIMS)
  • Nick Roberts (LA-HR-ICPMS)
  • James Darling (EBSD for ins-situ sampling strategies; FEG-SEM)
  • Sarah Sherlock (in situ Ar-AR geochronology)
  • Ben Buse (FER-EPMA)

Attendees are encouraged to bring posters presenting their work.

Conference Themes (and theme leaders/keynotes)

  • Early Earth and Archaean (Hugh Rollinson (theme leader))
  • Metamorphic controls and responses (MSG; Simon Harley (theme leader), Mike Brown, Maryland (Keynote))
  • Magmatic processes and records (MSG; Bruno Dhuime (theme leader), Jon Davidson, Durham (Keynote))
  • Large Igneous Provinces through time (VMSG; Mike Widdowson, Open University (theme leader), Richard Ernst (Keynote))
  • Tectonic controls and responses (MinSoc; Clare Warren, Open University) theme leader and MinSoc Hallimond Lecturer: Kent Condie, New Mexico)
  • The lower crustal perspective (GG; Hilary Downes, Birkbeck (Keynote))
  • The subcontinental lithospheric mantle (MDSG; Kathryn Goodenough, BGS (theme leader), Jeremy Richards, Alberta (Keynote – joint with Mineralisation))
  • Modelling of subduction zones, collision zones and continent growth (Nick Harmon, Southampton (theme leader), Jeroen van Hunen, Durham (keynote))
  • Physical properties of the lithosphere (MPG; Phil Benson, Portsmouth (theme leader), Ian Bastow, Bristol (Keynote))
  • Mineralisation (MDSG; Martin Smith (theme leader), Jeremy Richards, Alberta (Keynote – joint with the subcontinental lithospheric mantle))
  • Sedimentary records and environmental consequences (MSG; Dan Condon, NIGL (theme leader), Neil Davies, Cambridge (Keynote))

Plus breakout sessions for focussed discussions.

We truly intend this to be an open and collaborative meeting, with plenty of time for discussion leading to some real agreement of the state-of-the-art and any key missing areas of research and collaboration. To facilitate this, our plan is for theme leaders to summarise the main points arising from contributions during the conference. A panel of theme leaders will then discuss suggestions of key questions arising, areas of collaboration that could address any key questions and resources that may be required. They may then make recommendations, which could include publications, collaborative working parties and future meetings/ workshops. They will address the delegation with their findings and open up the floor for discussion.


  • Ice-­breaker - Sun 1 September (Barbecue), Portsmouth.
  • Main Oral sessions - (one focussed linear session rather than multiple parallel sessions) 2 - 4 September with poster sessions.
  • Conference Dinner - Tuesday 3 September at the Square Tower, Old Portsmouth (
  • Post-­conference Fieldtrip to Guernsey, Sark And Brittany - 5 - 12 September.
  • Post-­conference Fieldtrip to NW Scotland (Lewisian Complex) - 5 - 9 September

Call for Abstracts

Delegates are invited to submit no more than one abstract each as first author. Invited speakers will be allocated slots of 20 minutes’ duration. Presentations by other contributing speakers will be allocated 15 minutes, including time for questions in all cases.

Abstract Instructions are available to download and more information is available at

Registration and Cost

Registration is now open. To register visit the online registration site

Abstracts can be submitted when registering using the registration site.

Standard Registration - before midnight GMT 11 July 2013 


Standard (society member)  £180 
Standard (non-member) £228 
Student  £48 
One day  £90 

Late Registration - after midnight GMT, 11 July 2013


Standard (society member) £204 
Standard (non-member) £252
Student £72
One day £102 


Accommodation is available at Rees Hall - Portsmouth University Halls of Residence. For more information and to book please go to the website:, email [email protected] or phone +44 (0)23 92844884.

Alternatively visit for local hotels and more information.


Craig Storey ([email protected])

Mike Fowler ([email protected])

Rob Strachan ([email protected])

James Darling ([email protected])

and Emilie Bruand ([email protected]) (Portsmouth);

Metamorphic Studies Group ([email protected])

Further Information

For more information on the workshops, themes, events, submitting abstracts, accommodation etc. visit the Building Strong Continents website:

Event sponsors