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Geological Society Supplementary Publication No. SUP18745

Parent Paper: Scale invariance in fluvial barforms: implications for interpretation of fluvial systems in the rock record

B. I. Holzweber, A. J. Hartley & G. S. Weissmann


Appearing in Petroleum Geoscience, 2014,


Data tables with information for all of the rivers studied in the paper are provided as .csv files:

  • Table 1: Summary of investigated fluvial systems. (.csv12Kb)
  • Table 2: Summary of bar dimensions for different bar types. (.1csvKb)
  • Table 3: Summary of bar dimensions for different tectonic settings in the basin. (.csv3Kb)
  • Table 4: Summary of bar dimensions for different catchment climates (according to the Köppen-Geiger climate classification). (.csv6Kb)
  • Table 5: Summary of bar dimensions for different basin climates (according to the Köppen-Geiger climate classification) (.csv4Kb)
  • Table 6: Summary of bar dimensions for tributary and distributive systems. (.csv2Kb)
  • Table 7: Summary of bar dimensions according to channel width. (csv5Kb)