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Top reviewers for the Geological Society of London

We are grateful to all the reviewers who have helped in peer review over the years. 

A full list of the reviewers for 2022 can be found here. Previous winners of top reviewer awards are listed below.

GSL Top reviewers

2021: Markus Aretz (University of Toulouse, France); Michael Anenburg (Australian National University, Australia); Stephen Buss (Stephen Buss Environmental Consulting Ltd, UK); Anthony Doré (Energy and Geoscience Institute, UK)

2020: Fernando Corfu (University of Oslo, Norway ); Tiago Alves (Cardiff University, UK); Charlotte McLean (University of Glasgow, UK); David Chew (University of Dublin Trinity College, Ireland); Alexey Kargin (Institut geologii rudnyh mestorozdenij petrografii mineralogii i geohimii RAN, Russian Federation); Xiao Liu (China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, China)

2019: Kiichiro Kawamura (Yamaguchi University, Japan) and Charlotte Adams (Durham University, UK)
2018: Alastair Roberston (University of Edinburgh) and Stuart Archer (Total SA)

Journal of the Geological Society

2021: Craig Magee (University of Leeds, UK)
2020: Margo Odlum (University of Texas, USA)
2019: Robert Gaines from Pomona College (USA)
2018: David Bond (University of Hull)
2017: David Chew (Trinity College Dublin)

Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology

2021: Omid Yamini (K.N. Toosi University of Technology, Iran) and Qingyu Zhang (China University of Geosciences , China)
2020: Simon Price (Scottish Power, UK)
2019: Lei Huang (China University of Geosciences, China