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Diversity, equality and inclusion

""The Society’s diversity, equality and inclusion (DEI) activities are progressing well in the first quarter. George Jameson* describes developments.

February 7 saw the launch event for the Science Council/Royal Academy of Engineering’s Diversity and Inclusion Progression Framework Benchmarking Report where 21 scientific bodies, including the Society, self-assessed their performance. Its key findings may be read here:   

In the next one to two years, much of our diversity programme will focus on refining and implementing an action plan based on these findings.

Since the International Association for Geoscience Diversity (IAGD) became an Associated Society (September 2017), we have been in discussion with British-based members of their Executive Committee, providing support and advice on setting up an IAGD UK chapter. The launch for this will be hosted by the Society at Burlington House on 4 June 2018.

If you would like to share views and suggestions relating to DEI in Earth science, please contact us at E: [email protected].

* George is External Relations Officer with  responsibility for Diversity.