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Online Training: Introduction to Seismic Reflection Interpretation

29 May 2025
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Event type:
Contributes to CPD, Online Training, Virtual event
Organised by:
Geological Society Events, Online Training
Virtual event
Event status:

Course overview

The course is designed to give participants an overview of seismic data and its uses, how it is interpreted, and how seismic data and interpretations are integrated with other data types and disciplines to produce a geological model. Participants will be given practical exercises to gain a feel for how seismic interpretation works in practice. Within the constraints of a one-day course, the emphasis will be on the breadth of the subject, with a list of further reading to allow participants to follow up on particular topics as they desire.

There are six main sections of the course, as follows:

Introduction: in which the scope and aims of the course are given and any particular interests of participants are noted, to be accommodated if possible within the course framework. Different applications of seismic interpretation are introduced, from deep earth structure, through hydrocarbon exploration, to carbon capture and near-surface investigations.

Working with seismic data: in which examples of project workflows are given, showing how seismic data is used in combination with other data types. Principles of seismic reflections are introduced, with illustrations of how these affect what can be seen in the data. Basic overviews of acquisition and processing are covered, and the ways in which these are adapted for different applications are discussed.

Starting to interpret: a short practical exercise introduces participants to the questions interpreters consider when starting an interpretation, and allows them to interpret a simple seismic section.

Structural interpretation: brief overview of the geological structures – folds, faults and fractures – that can be seen in seismic data. Special considerations and pitfalls relating to structural features are mentioned.

Stratigraphic interpretation: brief overview of the expression of stratigraphic features in seismic data, with reference to reflection geometry, terminations and character. Principles of sequence stratigraphy are introduced.

From the 2D interpretations to the geological model: in this part of the course, we develop beyond the interpretation of 2D sections to 3D volumes. Now that participants have seen how interpreters outline subsurface geometries, they are introduced to the additional information that can be gained from the seismic data by the use of seismic attributes, AVO and inversion techniques. Conversion from time- to depth-domains is discussed, leading to the integration of seismic interpretation with other geological data to produce detailed geological models. In this section in particular, geophysical software used for these techniques may be mentioned. The course concludes with a discussion of the uncertainties inherent in both the seismic data and the process of interpretation.

Materials for some simple practicals will be included, to be carried out as time allows. Participants are encouraged to ask questions, and are directed to some of the many excellent resources available for further study.

Who is this course aimed at?

Professionals in other disciplines who collaborate with geophysicists and want to know more about the interpretations they work with.

Also suitable for students/novices with little or no experience, wanting a broad introduction to seismic data and interpretation.

Learning objectives

  1. Understand what seismic data is and applications for which it can be used
  2. Understand the strengths and limitations of seismic data for investigating the subsurface
  3. Become familiar with the appearance of seismic sections and undertake simple interpretation of structural and stratigraphic features
  4. Understand types of information other than simple interpretation that can be derived from seismic data
  5. Understand ways in which seismic interpretation can be integrated with other disciplines to produce a geological model


This course will be taking place on 29 May 2025 from 09:00 to approximately 17:00 BST, depending on audience participation.


Kamala Sen

Kamala has nearly thirty years' experience in industry. Starting with a degree in Geology, she worked briefly for Amoco before moving on to a further degree, Computing in the Earth Sciences. She then worked for Robertson Research (now CGG) before going freelance. This background encouraged her interest in multidisciplinary projects, in which geophysicists work closely with other geological specialists to develop the best possible understanding of the subsurface. Working for a service company also gave her experience of projects on scales from single reservoir layers to regional studies. 

Kamala has completed interpretation projects worldwide, though much recent work has focussed on India and Pakistan. She has also delivered training courses to students across the globe, from Brazil to South Korea and many places between. She enjoys introducing students both to basic principles and to the complexities and uncertainties of investigating subsurface geology.


This course will be delivered virtually via Zoom. Joining details will be sent out the day prior, alongside any course materials that may be needed.


Early-bird rate*
(until 29 March 2025)
After 29 March 2025
Fellow £270 £300
£540 £600
Student Member £68 £75
Student Non-Member £135 £150
Corporate Patron £270 £300
GSA Member £324 £360

*Early-bird discount applicable for all registrations until 29 March 2025. Simply select your delegate type on the registration form and the discount will be applied and reflected in the payment section at the bottom of the registration form.*

The Geological Society of America (GSA) members discount

We offer a generous 40% discount off our Non-Fellow rate to members of the Geological Society of America (GSA). A discount code must be quoted on the registration form in order to take advantage of the discount. If you are a member of GSA and do not have the discount code, please email [email protected] with proof of your membership.

Group discounts

We offer competitive group discounts on all Training Courses:

5 – 9 delegates: 20% off
10 – 14 delegates: 25% off
15 delegates or more: 30% off

For more information on how to access the Group Discount, please email [email protected]


We offer students a generous discount. Please verify your student status by either registering with your student email address, or uploading a photograph of your student identification/acceptance letter.

The Society offers a limited number of concessionary rates for those in financial hardship. Contact [email protected] (Please note you may be required to provide details/evidence to support your application for this.)


Register now

If you require an invoice to register for this course, please email [email protected]

Registration will close 24 hours before the event takes place.

GSL reserves the right to postpone or cancel a Training Course in the event of low interest. In this instance, a full refund will be offered for registration fees.