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Geowalk: War memorials and embassies: The building stones of Mayfair

18 October 2015
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Event type:
Social event, Field trip
Organised by:
Earth Science Week 2015, UCL
Meet at Green Park Station
Event status:

A geological walk for Earth Science Week along Piccadilly to Hyde Park Corner

This geological trail will take in the main building stones used at the western end of Piccadilly, as this street crosses the valley of the ‘lost’ River Tyburn. We will end the walk at Hyde Park Corner, traditionally the home of War Memorials commemorating the fallen of the UK and the Commonwealth.

A wealth of building stones are used in this area, from ancient Australian granites to Norwegian Marbles.

Event Details:

Cost £10 / £8
Meet 10.45 am, Green Park Tube, Park Exit
  • For more information please download the flyer

Earth Science Week - 13-19 October 2014

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