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Educational Organisations Guide

For a longer list of abbreviations commonly encountered in the world of geoscience - educational and otherwise - please download the acronym/organisations guide.

  • University Geoscience UK -
    Formerly known as the Committee of Heads of University Geoscience Departments (CHUGD), University Geoscience UK is the subject association of geoscience departments based within universities in the British Isles, and recently agreed a new model of closer cooperative working with the Geological Society. It promotes discussion and exchange of information between departments, and provides a point of contact between these and professional, government and quality control agencies. Membership is at departmental rather than individual level and all heads of department, or their nominees, are ex officio departmental representatives.
  • Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF) - (note that this web address, referring to the former Department for Education and Skills has been retained for DCSF)
  • Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills (DIUS) - (change effective June 28 2007)
  • Earth Science Education Forum (ESEF) is found at  Aims: To promote earth science in education at all levels and to bring together all relevant organisations in pursuit of this.
  • Scottish Earth Science Education Forum (SESEF) - Aims: an association of educators and scientists established to promote understanding of planet Earth in Scottish schools and colleges.
  • Earth Science Education Unit (ESEU) -  The Earth Science Education Unit, based at Keele University, provides free INSET (in-service training) to teachers across England, Scotland and Wales, through workshops for schools, teacher meetings and teacher education institutions.
  • Earth Science Teachers Association (ESTA) - UK association for teachers of geoscience.
  • Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency (QCDA) -
  • Science, Engineering, Technology and Mathematics Network (STEMNET) - Follow the link to obtain summary information on STEMNET.
  • Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) -