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Geological Society Supplementary Publication No. SUP18607

Parent Paper: Building Bayesian networks from basin modelling scenarios for improved geological decision making


Appearing in Petroleum Geoscience, Vol. 19, 2013,


Data tables and boxplots are provided as .pdf and .csv files.

Table 1:   Data gathered from the 24 scenarios, concerning the generation, expulsion, accumulation and leaking of the HC in the whole basin. Values are in MMBOE (millions barrels oil equivalents). (.csv3Kb)

Table 2:  Data gathered from the 24 scenarios, concerning oil and gas accumulations in the four prospects described in Section 3.2. Values are in MMBOE. (.csv2Kb)

Table 3:  Lithological description of the nine layers present in the Bezurk case study. (.csv2Kb)

Table 4:  Environmental interpretation of the nine layers present in the Bezurk case study. (.csv2Kb)

Table 5:  Facies, Petromod library numbers for lithologies and data for depositional porosities and Athy's compaction parameters used in the Bezurk basin (.csv2Kb)

Table 6:  Facies, Petromod library numbers for lithologies and data for Porosity and Permeability parameters used in the Bezurk basin. (.csv1Kb)

Table 7:  Facies, Petromod library numbers for lithologies and Capillary Entry Pressure (.csv1Kb)

Table 8:  Paleo water depth (PWD) input values for each of the layers in the model (.csv1Kb)

Table 9:  Response ANOVA analysis GenTot (.csv1Kb)

Table 10:  Response ANOVA analysis AccResTot (.csv1Kb)


Fig. 1: BoxPlot, Generation and Expulsion, joint values for Eek and Mlf source rocks. The boxplots show the effect of the different levels of the four uncertainty parameters considered. As expected, the heat flow and the TOC are the most relevant parameters here. (.pdf19Kb)

Fig. 2: BoxPlot, Oil and Gas Generation in Eek source rock. The boxplots show the effect of the different levels of the four uncertainty parameters considered. As expected, the heat flow and the TOC are the most relevant parameters here. (.pdf19Kb)

Fig. 3: BoxPlot, Accumulations in reservoir Ou. The boxplots show the effect of the different levels of the four uncertainty parameters considered. As expected, the porosity is the most relevant parameters here. (.pdf18Kb)

Fig. 4: BoxPlot, Outflow and HC losses. The boxplots show the effect of the different levels of the four uncertainty parameters considered. TOC, HF and the fault 3 have all a relevant effect. (.pdf19Kb)