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Listed below are the online supplementary publications for 2003.
  • SUP18193 (Grampian orogenesis and the development of blueschist-facies metamorphism in western Ireland, Journal of the Geological Society, Vol 160, Part 6, November 2003, pp 911-924)
  • SUP18192 (40Ar/39Ar ages in mantle xenolith phlogopites: detemining the ages of multiple lithospheric mantle events and diatreme ascent rates in southern Africa and Malaita, Solomon Islands, Geological Society Special Publication 220, pp 231-248)
  • SUP18191 (Linking growth episodes of zircon and metamorphic textures to zircon chemistry: an example from the ultrahigh-temperature granulites of Rogaland (SW Norway), Geological Society Special Publication 220, pp 65-81)
  • SUP18190 (Effect of metamorphic reaction history on the U-Pb dating of titanite, Geological Society Special Publication 220, pp 147-158)
  • SUP18189 (Exhumation of the Ronda peridotite and its crustal envelope: constraints from thermal modelling of a P?T?time array, Journal of the Geological Society, Vol 160, Part 5, September 2003, pp 655-676)
  • SUP18188 (A tectonostratigraphic synthesis of the Sub-Andean basins: inferences on the position of South American intraplate accommodation zones and their control on South Atlantic opening, Journal of the Geological Society, Vol 160, Part 5, September 2003, pp 703-717)
  • SUP18187 (A tectonostratigraphic synthesis of the Sub-Andean basins: implications for the geotectonic segmentation of the Andean Belt, Journal of the Geological Society, Vol 160, Part 5, September 2003, pp 687-701)
  • SUP18186 (Single-zircon geochronology and Nd isotopic systematics of Proterozoic high-grade rocks from the Mozambique belt of southern Tanzania (Masai area): implications for Gondwana assembly, Journal of the Geological Society, Vol 160, Part 5, September 2003, pp 745-757)
  • SUP18185 (Basement evolution of the Sierra de la Ventana Fold Belt: new evidence for Cambrian continental rifting along the southern margin of Gondwana, Journal of the Geological Society, Vol 160, Part 4, July 2003, pp 613-628)
  • SUP18184 (The structural geometry, metamorphic and magmatic evolution of the Everest massif, High Himalaya of Nepal-South Tibet, Journal of the Geological Society, Vol 160, Part 3, March 2003, pp 345-366)
  • SUP18183 (Reconstructing the Siluro-Devonian coastline of Gondwana: insights from the sedimentology of the Port Stephens Formation, Falkland Islands, Journal of the Geological Society, Vol 160, Part 3, May 2003, pp 459-476)
  • SUP18182 (Salt weathering: a selective review, Siegesmund, S., Weiss, T. & Vollbrecht, A. (eds) Geomaterials, Weathering Phenomena, Conservation Strategies and Case Studies. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 205, pp 51-64)
  • SUP18181 (Source of the Dalradian Supergroup constrainted by U?Pb dating of detrital zircon and implications for the East Laurentian margin, Journal of the Geological Society, Vol 160, Part 2, March 2003, pp 231-246)
  • SUP18180 (A cryptic Mesoarchaean terrane in the basement to the Central African Copperbelt, Journal of the Geological Society, Vol 160, Part 1, January 2003, pp 11-15)