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Supplementary Data

Instructions for preparing supplementary material to be associated with articles in Geological Society of London books and journals

From January 2016, supplementary material is hosted on the GSL figshare portal at Supplementary material belonging to online publications between 2003 and 2015 are hosted on the Society's website at and at

Limited space in the article means that detailed material, such as locality lists and analytical data, will be made available as online supplementary material. Supplementary material can also include supporting figures, videos and other related files.

  1. Supplementary material should be provided on first submission of your article.
  2. If your supplementary material is already available via an online data repository, please provide the relevant DOI in the form of a hyperlink, for example
  3. We accept any file formats; however, authors are encouraged to provide analytical data in comma delimited format to allow reanalysis.
  4. There is a 1 GB file size limit for supplementary material, but our submission systems allow maximum file sizes of only 5 or 10 MB. For any supplementary material files that are larger than 5 or 10 MB, please contact the Production Editor associated with the journal.
  5. The supplementary files must be self-contained and should include captions and/or legends and any references. References that are only cited within the supplementary files must not be included in the main reference list of the article.
  6. In the main article, you should include a statement between the abstract and the start of the main text in the form: ‘Supplementary material: [description of material, including a description of each data item if possible] is available at’.
  7. The hyperlink and DOI of the supplementary material will be automatically allocated unless the author provides the relevant hyperlink and/or DOI as outlined above in point 2.