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Benefits to Participating Companies

Accredited Company Training Schemes will be listed prominently on the Geological Society website. 

Companies with accredited Company Training Schemes are expected to benefit in the following ways:

  • Accreditation raises the status of geoscientists in the Company.

  • It indicates that the company has a strong interest in the professional development of its employees.

  • It enhances a company’s ability to recruit highly motivated staff

  • It encourages a steady flow of employees towards Chartered status.

  • It guarantees that the Training Scheme develops and maintains its quality.

  • It provides external recognition that the Company looks to develop professionals of the highest quality.

  • There is potential to charge higher fees to clients because of the increased number of employees with professional qualifications.

  • The company receives clear guidance from the Geological Society of London for candidates preparing their Chartership application.

  • The company has input into the Geological Society of London to support Chartership standards.

Benefits to Trainees

Trainees participating in the scheme will benefit in the following ways:

  • Development objectives are matched to their personal development needs as a geoscientist generally, possibly extending beyond those of the Company.

  • Objectives are agreed so that the trainee gets a broad training and experience and has a more satisfying role.

  • The trainee is involved in planning their own professional development.

  • Mentoring is guaranteed to ensure that the development progress continues and weaknesses are spotted early and corrected.

  • There is assurance that all the necessary core competencies for Chartership are addressed, and that opportunities to gain the necessary experience and skills are available; enhancing the probability of a successful application.