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The Geology of the Dalradian and Associated Rocks of Connemara, Western Ireland

Product Code: MPB15
Series: Miscellaneous titles
Author/Editor: By B E Leake & P W G Tanner
Publication Date: 01 January 1994
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A publication by the Royal Irish Academy. Comprises a report to accompany the 1:63,360 geological map and cross-sections of Connemara. Both contained in a plastic wallet.

Type: Book
Ten Digit ISBN: 1-874045-18-6
Thirteen Digit ISBN: 978-1-874045-18-2
Publisher: Distributed by GSL
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 96
Weight: 0.71 kg


1. Introduction • 1.1 The geology of Connemara • 1.2 History of research • 2. Dalradian stratigraphy in the northern belt • 2.1 Introduction • 2.2 The Connemara Dalradian succession • 2.2.1 The Clifden Schist Formation • 2.2.2 The Connemara Marble Formation • 2.2.3 The Barnanoraun Schist Formation • 2.2.4 The Cleggan Boulder Bed Formation • 2.2.5 The Bennabeola Quartzite Formation • 2.2.6 The Streamstown Schist Formation • 2.2.7 The Lakes Marble Formation • 2.2.8 The Ballynakill Schist Formation • 2.2.9 The Cashel Schist Formation • 2.2.10 The Cornamona Marble Formation • 2.2.11 The Ben Levy Grit Formation • 2.2.12 The Lough Kilbride Schist Formation • 2.3 Correlation with Dalradian rocks outside Connemara 2.3.1 Scotland • 2.3.2 Ireland • 3. Orthogneisses and other rocks, mainly in the southern belt  • 3.1 Introduction • 3.2 Metasediments • 3.2.1 Hornfelsed metasediments • 3.2.2 Paragneisses • 3.3 Metagabbros and associated orthogneisses • 3.3.1 The metagabbro suite • 3.3.2 Quartz diorite gneisses • 3.3.3 The Ballyconneely Amphibolite • 3.3.4 Petrogenesis • 3.3.5 The frozen magma chamber • 3.4 The Delaney Dome Meta-rhyolite Formation • 4. Geological structure of the Connemara metamorphic complex • 4.1 Introduction • 4.2 Ductile structures in the Dalradian rocks of the northern belt • 4.2.1 The early deformations (D1 & D2) • 4.2.2 The main deformation (D3) •4.2.3 The late deformation (D4) • 4.2.4 The steep belt • 4.2.5 Tectonic slides within the Dalradian sequence • 4.3 Ductile structures in the metagabbros and gneisses ofthe southern belt • 4.3.1 The contact with the Dalradian rocks • 4.3.2 Structure if the metagabbros • 4.3.3 Quartz diorite gneisses • 4.3.4 Discussion • 4.4 General discussion of ductile structures • 4.5 The Mannin Thrust zone • 4.6 Faulting • 5. Metamorphism • 5.1 Introduction • 5.2 Minerals in pelites • 5.3 P-T conditions and the timing of mineral growth • 6. Younger rocks bordering the Connemara metamorphic complex • 6.1 Sedimentary rocks • 6.1.1 Silurian rocks • 6.1.2 Carboniferous rocks • 6.1.3 Geological structures in the Silurian and Carboniferous rocks • 6.2 Post-tectonic igneous intrusions • 6.2.1 The Oughterard Granite • 6.2.2 The Galway Granite and its satellite plutons • 6.2.3 Dykes and minor intrusions • 7. Summary of the geology of local areas • 7.1 Area 1: Western Connemara - Benna Beola • 7.2 Area 2: North-western Connemara • 7.3 Area 3: Central Connemara - The Maamturk Mountains • 7.4 Area 4: Joyces Country - North-eastern Connemara • 7.4.1 Dalradian geology • 7.4.2 Silurian rocks • 7.4.3 Carboniferous and igneous rocks • 7.5 Area 5: South-eastern Connemara, including the Oughterard Granite • 7.6 Area 6: South Connemara: the orthogneisses and contiguous metasediments • 7.7 Area 7: South-western Connemara, including the Delaney Dome • 8. Geochronology • 9. The position of Connemara in the British and Irish Caledonides • 10. Concluding summary • Acknowledgements • References and bibliography 


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