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The 25th Colloquium of African Geology (CAG), & 3rd Young Earth Scientists Congress (YES)

11 - 16 August 2014
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Event type:
Organised by:
Mwalimu Julius Nyerere International Convention Centre, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Event status:

11th -14th August: The Third Young Earth Scientists (YES) Congress

Theme: “Bridging Geo-Generation into Global Earth Sciences Integrations”.
The YES Network is an international association of young earth scientists primarily under the age of 35 years from geosciences organizations, universities and companies around the world.

14th -16th August: The 25th Colloquium of African Geology (CAG25)

Theme: “Earth Sciences for Improving Livelihood in Africa”.
The Colloquium of African Geology (CAG) is a major biennial meeting organized under the auspices of the Geological Society of Africa (GSAf). Since the first Colloquium in 1965, the Colloquia have been hosted by several European and African countries.

Profile and Objectives of the Colloquium:

The 25th Colloquium of African Geology-CAG25 will focus on the need of achieving sustainable development by promoting sustainable management of Earth resources for inclusive and equitable economic growth as well as creating greater opportunities for all. Specifically the colloquium will seek to enhance an active participation of earth scientists in decision-making processes on issues related to the earth resources exploration and extraction.

The second circular is currently in circulation, but more keynote speakers are planned in addition to those listed; delegates convening sessions are requested to send their recommendations.

Oral and poster sessions will be focused on the following sub-themes of the Colloquium:

  • Earth Resources for sustainable Development.
  • Precambrian Geology & Petrology.
  • Georparks and Geotoursim for Promoting Earth Heritage and Culture.
  • Medical Geology for better health.
  • Resilience to Climate Change Impacts.
  • Fossil Fuel: Reserves and development technique.
  • Geohazards: Understanding and Adaptation (Earthquakes, Volcanoes, Natural
  • Radiations, Tsunami: understanding, adaptation and resilience).
  • Information Communication Technology (ICT) and Geosciences.
  • Success of Integrated G3 (Geology, Geophysics and Geochemistry) approaches.
  • Tectonics, Geological Events and Basins Development.
  • Hydro-Geo-Research for addressing Ground Water and Food Security.
  • Agro-Geology for increasing Agricultural yields.
  • Investment in the Extractive Industry- Policy/Legislations/Governance, Best Practice, Opportunities, Challenges and Local Content.
  • Geo-engineering “Climate and Human Settlements”.


The organizers invite submission of abstracts by those individuals interested in participating at the meeting.

The deadline for abstracts has been extended to 10 April 2014; acceptance will be decided by 20 April 2014. Abstracts should be emailed to the Conference Secretariat at [email protected], with a copy to Dr Athanas Macheyeki at [email protected].


Online Registration is active at and will stay open till 30th June 2014. Please take note that applicants should indicate whether the registration is for YES Congress only, CAG25 only or for both events.

Travel Grant and Sponsorships

The Geological Society of America and the Geological Society of London are offering travel assistance to African students and early career geoscientists who are presenting. The deadline to apply is 30 May. Find out more details and apply.

A few sponsorships will also be awarded based on acceptance of abstract, status of applicant, availability of sponsorship funds. Preference will be given to applicants from developing countries.